Loggerheads upset that can't destroy more of Swift parrots habitat on Brunny island

Polly Cracker
   logging has destroyed uch of the habitat of the swift parrot in Tasmania and conservationists have been quick to stop more proposed logging in Tasmanian forests where fewer than 2000 of these birds now exist. More intense logging was planned in the next two years but that has been put on hold as public debate of resource extraction takes place in Australia and backers against logging and destruction of these beautiful parrots habitat on Brunny Island. These parrots need to be left alone and their habitat preserved and there is an increasing debate and public pressure against these loggerheads not caring about the important species and ecostyem that they destroy when they cut down all these trees and ship them to wealthy Chinamen who all want wood floors. Australians are have gone of this and forced their state to suspend operations of deforestation and joining these habitat protection foundations devoting time and money to the cause of preservation.
Foundation spokeswoman Jenny Weber said Forestry Tasmania planned to log 500 hectares on Bruny Island over the next three years.
Ms Weber said the Federal Government had an obligation to intervene.
"It's no longer Forestry Tasmania's issue, it's actually the issue for the Federal Government to take real action and we're looking for action from our politicians who can work to protect this species," she said.
"Important breeding habitat, ranging from the east coast to Wielangta and Bruny Island and down to the southern forests, needs to be put into secure reserves to remove the threat of extinction for the swift parrot.".
  Government in Australia took the measures to ensure that this species is not wiped out just so a few people can make money from the sales of wood and exportation of wood products. Resources Minister Paul Harriss told State Parliament today that further information on the threat to the parrot posed by sugar gliders on mainland Tasmania had prompted the decision. It is good to see this country take measures to ensure the exotic wildlife and birds of this rich natural beauty that is ustralia is protected by those who would make our landscape resemble the moon or Martian landforms in order to reap all the potential profit and sales f international trade and resource extraction.

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