Neil DeGrasse Tyson and his black co-host Chuck Nice had some interesting podcasts on science of love and also had an interview with Ray Kurzweil. ray is a man who believes man and machine will become one and on their science of love program they had some female sex exert, both Chuck Nice and Neil Degrasse Tyson brought up the possibilities and how son can we start having sex with robots. Tis seems to be the main topic of so many in the podcast world today and Nice and Tyson were gleefully giggly thinking about this topic. Men like Ray Kurzweil have given hope that actually cyborgs will be available for men to find as lovers and the speed and processing capabilities of robotic women would be a major improvement in the often crushed strong sex drives so many men have yet find women colder than a Nova Scotia barn animal in November.

Evry day that comes closer to the possibility of robots being in all parts of the lives of people is the day Ray, Neil, and Chuck Nice will discover how nice it is to have a Metallica woman to be at your beckoning call and I reckon that these three would really enjoy having sex with a robot.
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