Washington is getting involved again in Somalia with airstrikes that killed over a hundred and fifty fighters against what is claimed to be al-Qaida affiliated fighters. these fighters are supposedly been carrying out lethal attacks across the horn in Africa which is a region very far away from the United States yet the foreign policy of this country seems to demand our involvement. This was the deadliest attack the United states has conducted in Africa in some years and is a signal that America is prepared to enter Africa again and the second scramble for Africa is beginning. The west is slowly trying to penetrate into Africa and this time they are joined by the Chinese and the threat of

The pentagon said these fighters were finishing some weeks of intense preparation for fighting n Somalia in their fighting against the western-backed government. it now appears that if the US military has your back and likes you they can rent out military operations for African corrupt governments Al-Shabab rebels have lost territory they once controlled in Somalia in this internal conflict which is suppose to be a sovereign state but they still control many rural areas Al-Shabab had taken control of Mogadishu in 2006 and outlawed soccer and music before being overthrown by invading African Union troops from outside the country in 2011 and foreign involvement and occupation in Somalia supporting this puppet government only fuels recruits and gains members into this Islamic rebel group intent on self-rule and implementing Sharia rule and law for this region.
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