Terry Blue
The Indianapolis Business Journal has finally realized what I have been saying about Indianapolis for such a long tie. This on-line journal had a story on how single black parenthood and segregation is having a devastating effect on Indianapolis and turning this once vastly White American urban center into Detroit. As the IBJ points out studies by Stanford University and Harvard on Indianapolis show that violent crime is depressing wages and I am sure academics are both happy to be away from my old hometown. A Thom Hartmann who is an ultra race-abating White media host is also likely very far from Indianapolis. The man with a syndicated program recently on air- said more inflammatory distortions about the Republican party and recently said he had a epiphany about why the Republican party has always been against big government.

Hartmann went on to say this is code words for quit giving black people stuff and services and the amount of race-baiting crap from the punk Hartmann through the years is worthy of this guy getting schooled and forced to live in the roughest pats of Indianapolis where women can't walk the streets out at night. Even if race is the basis of Republican calls for ending spending as reports like tis point out all these welfare single mothers are actually a drain to society producing these new ghettos and highly costly social spending to contain these people and their violence virus from spreading. Hartmann is an idiot who doesn't want to look at the root causes of black ineptness and pathetic culture as the root causes of racism and attempts to end this wasteful spending on a population whose main objective in life seems to be doing everything that is illegal. the Indianapolis business Journal failed to state in its article at http://www.ibj.com/articles/57539-why-violence-segregation-and-single-parenthood-are-depressing-indianapolis-incomes fails to say that the reason for segregation is the utter contempt these black

s have for society and the daily verbal harassment, robberies, and assaults that produce ethnic cleansing of areas where Whites and others take flight from the ghettoization and brutality of a black lower-class. Of course, some White trash actually join in and participate in crimes with these people and no where is this more evident than it seems in Indianapolis.

I know former cab drivers who would be robbed at gunpoint three times a week working the black neighborhoods in Indy, Detroit, St louis, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Waukegan. this is then nature of the individual growing uo in a household with only a loud mother and this environment is mostly experiences by the Afro in America. Hartmann is a shit who you know has never lived near black folks making less than a hundred grand so his world-view is skewed and he is ignorant to the realities and will not see why many Americans see Black folks as the costly dangers that this country can no longer afford as was accustomed to and he should be talking on the issue why these single mothers keep breeding putting additional pressure and costs because of their offspring and the violence it produces in society. Perhaps a Thom Hartmann should look at these studies by Harvard and Standford and then draw other conclusions to why America is tired of giving and spending encouraging this wanton destructive negro behavior and rewarding it with freebies.
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