Bruce Rauner dejected by Supreme Court ruling on unions

Tony Miselli
   Bruce Rauner and his union crushing plans were put on hold the other day as an Antonia Scalia less supreme court upheld a federal law that allows unions to collect dues from non-members. This is one of Bruce runner's top goals in weakening unions in the Midwest and Rauner and his fellow political goons will seek another battle. The free-loading attempt by the governor of Illinois was meant to weaken unions and their political clout and ability to effectively bargain for increases that would of been more difficult from ignorant workers not wanting to contribute to the cause of the union. Bruce rauner called the ruling tragic as thus it likely ended any effective attempts he could must in what should most likely be a one term of this billionaire swindler in the state house. politicians like this guy, Scott walker, John Kaisich have done more to weaken unions and push for a further decline in the power and incomes of working-class because they are servants for big money donors with a feudal society idea for this country.  this fuckface politician should not even be near a state house as his method of political service only takes into account those individuals who make over 500,000 dollars a year and want to increase their wealth through the backs of the middle class and lower-class. it is only because of voter apathy ad inability to pay attention to elections in off years that the Republicans keep getting statehouses and the House of representatives and use this power to basically stall progress and changes needed and demanded by the vast majority of the population. Illinois is one of a few dozen states that has this fair-share fees to public unions which otherwise would put the powers in be in a position to just hire those individuals they can vet out from unions and use it to drive down union power and thus wages. this jackass Rauner also tried to push the issue in a federal court which was quickly dismissed by a judge that called out Rauner as a court jester for pressing this issue without a personal stake

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