Have the Rundown Live fags Kristan Harris and Mike Paczesny gotten lazy?

Whitaker Marshal III
   The Rudown Live hosts Harris and Paczesny have not put out a show in about a month and a half and any people in Milwaukee are wondering if these two clowns have run out of gas. these two nimrods have done over three hundred podcasts and YouTube programs talking about government conspiracies to cover up giants and UFOs and now it appears that they are kaput. Kristan Harris and his partner last show was in early march and as I keep checking my podcast feeds I wonder what could of happened to these two guys who often said they expect the government to come after them. have Mike Paczesny and Kristin Harris been arrested and are currently imprisoned for their libertarian beliefs. The Rundown Live still appears to be operating as a web site but what is amazing nothing is written on the blog and posts about why the fucks Milwaukee's undynamic duo of Harris and Paczesny have not produced any audio content. Perhaps these guys have gotten lazy and figure what is the point of putting material out when only thirty people are downloading their bogus material that many in Milwaukee find of no interest. I was in a bar recently and saw this fat drunk keeled over and I could of sworn it was Mike Paczesney all wasted and bloated wondering why liberty FM rdio has not made his ass rich. Paczesny and Harris look like a couple of college dropout fraternity rejects still trying to figure out what to do with their life envious of the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck's of the world getting paid and laid with their audioslave bullshit they air out to the dumbed out drugged population in America. Kristan Harris and Mike Paczesny most likely have given up with their radio dreams and decided that after three hunded programs or so on YouTube that now is the time to quit and find a real gig to pay their debt. The Rundown Live fags may be gone but not forgotten on this blog and still a favorite of asses to listen to from time to time and it would be a shame if they are finally toast.Image result for kristan harris rundown live

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