Former shipwrecked legenday Professor Lester Thurow is dead

Oscar Orton
   Lester Thurow was an early advocate on globalization and how is what both promoting and spreading inequality as a ideology.  Mr. Thurow was seventy seven and recently assed away and was one of the top economists of this era ass a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor teaching generation of adults important principles of economics and focusing on the distribution of income in a global era. Mr Thurow wrote a series of best selling books often advocating a distinctive set of policy ideas that defied simple political labeling. He supported policies that would help society and corporations make long-term investments in research in order to spur growth. he wanted to make a world a better place and pushed the idea of education for the masses as a way to accomplishing this goal. as seen with most of the troubles of the world, the domination of education through religious extremist outlets is what basically leads to a specialized rise in hatred and evil through much of the third-world and this cancer is growing. When you throw in global climate change destroying ability to farm area this problem can only grow for those unable to afford the coastal elite cities around the world and have to live inland in the boondocks fly-over territories of the world.  Thurow was often troubled by the lack of competitiveness of economies through globalization leading to monopolistic tendencies that favored a select few in society especially at a crucial time of industrial change and the role of workers. Lester had started his career in Hawaii and was ship wrecked on a deserted island for like some three years before being rescued in 1966, he called these three years the most difficult of his life as he was troubled by the attitude and inequality he saw among the individuals stranded on this pacific island remote island. Thurow was particularly disturbed by Thurson....Thurston Howard the III who he was shipwrecked and learned a lot on how the one percent think and tick in the three years he was stranded with the arrogant industrialist. After the rescue he served as chairmen for several colleges and eventually found his way at the prestigious MIT where he served as dean for a decade.He then served several chairmanship posts and still active in advising political leaders on economic matters. Professor Lester Thurow dead at the age of 77.

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