George Lucas and his stormtrooper museum gets zapped by death star

Troy York
    Columnist Mark Brown is upset that Chicago will not have another building blocking the beautiful lakefront as resistance to a George Lucas museum dedicated to Star Wars. We need to protect the lakefront and not have these elites dedicate a place for their work which in Lucas's case is not really work at all just writing stupid fantasy stories anyone can do. Friends of the Park remained dead set against this attempt to add further congestion and over-priced museums in the area. George Lucas should not have attempted this silly structure in Chicago and I say let him go to SanFrancisco and have this Star Wars museum where neurotic and eccentric jackasses will dress up as storm troopers. George Lucas and Star Wars is not at the least deserving of a museum as the guy has no fucking ties to the city anyway and a Playboy museum would make more sense than anything related to science fiction. Mark Brown and his stooge Rahm Emanuel however feel the need to construct some building  Mark brown says Lucas has run into his own  death star through out political impotence to get this deal done but actually  it was organized potency that stood up to this elite jackass and hacks like Mark Brown in the media and money bags Mayors of the one percent that fought against this stupid project and was successful. We need more green space along the lakeshore and not another building dedicated to a billionaire. We do not need a temple dedicated to absurdity and dumb story and movies on our lakefront because a bunch of pussies and weirdos are fans of Star Ward and want to play dress up fantasy world. Mark Brown is an idiot and likely wants this palace for all things Star Wars because he wants to play dress up and have a place to kick it and wear storm trooper outfits and have this building constructed at tax-payers dime. it will not get done and thankfully there are many environmental and conservationists  that stood up to this billionaire George Lucas and told him to fuck off nd take his star wars toys with him back to the left coast.

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