Neil Knight
The Red Eye radio Fags have a problem with the outpouring of grief for the murder of arambe the Gorilla. Eric Harley and Gary McNamara were shocked at how many people through social media were outraged that the endangered Lowland Gorilla had to be shot to death in order to rescue some boy who crawled to where he was not suppose to be from negligent parents. first of all these two fags don't understand was that tis was a Gorilla cage and not a tiger cage.

Gorillas do not kill and eat four year old kids. The Silverback beast hovered over the child inspecting it as is its job as troop leader of the band o Gorillas. The child was in no harm and wouldn't be in any harm and the fact that these right-wing maggots don't know this show their unintelligence in matters of zoology and animal biology. Cincinnati zoo officials could easily of shot some tear gas to drive the Gorilla away or injected it with a tranquilizer and this is where the outrage exists from so many humans. These silly jackasses repeated their disdain for people giving human characteristics to animals but nobody was doing that. These creatures are better than humans who kill each other on the whim and this is something Harley and McNamara don't consider or the fact that many people do consider animal life as precious as humanity. Some even more so and given the track record of man on this planet this thinking actually is justified. we here at the Left Shark care more for sharks, bulls, bears and apes more than jack fucks like Eric Harley and Gary McNamara. Men like Harley and McNamara are part of this right-wing Christian philosophy that animals are below human beings in importance of life and thus feel justified by killing this poor confided and imprisoned beautiful animal.

the red Eye radio losers could be counted on being haters of this as I was expecting this would be the first thing they talked about after hearing their anger about the people saddened by the death of Cecil the Lion. Eric Harley and Gary Mac couldn't believe the outpouring anger against the dentist for killing a lion some months back and once again these idiots only feel human life is important and this thinking is exactly why so many animals species have been wiped out and are continually threatened by man.
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