Sanjay Kumar buys an iphone but few Indians will follow an embrace for Apple products

Baba Pugwuthi
  on one mid-week hot morning in New Delhi India Sanjay Kumar, a Sikh, took a log shower and then wrapped a towel over his head after leaving the bathroom and quickly got dressed to get over to the local Apple store which is located next to a banana stand in India. Potential Apple addicted consumers like Sanjay are being counted on by big corporate Apple to ambitiously grow as quickly in India as Apple for a time grew in China. While Sanjay was willing to drop seven hundred dollars for a IPhone chances are many Indians will find this price-for-profit scheme by this American conglomerate rude and abusive. Apples stock has tanked and if this company is pinning its hopes on the fickle consumers of India then this comp ay is really headed for a decline regardless how much money a Warren Buffet throws at it to continue its research and further get hammed b rival cheaper alternatives of the smartphone. The Warren Buffets and Apple executives expect this product should be increasing of costs comes newer devices instead of dropping in price as much of the manufacturing world has seen. Sanjay is excited to show his college fraternity brothers in his wild Sikh frat his new iPhone but for the Indian consumer thriftiness and costs are important and few would justify spending so much for a phone and its kiddie applications. many of Kumar's buddies agree Iphones cost too much and they are more impressed with foreign offering such as Xiaomi, a Chinese company and smartphone many consider way superior to the latest Apple phones. There are a lot of distribution issues to apple will have to deal with in this nation and its sketchy infrastructure and basically the future of Apple as a leading technology empire is already being challenged and in doubt of surviving as it has in the past. Indians are not willing to shell out the big bucks that foolish people in the past have done for one of these over-rated products and very few Indians would ever consider purchasing a Apple phone unless tey cut their prices down to the cost of what their rivals charge in India. sanjay will find out that owning an IPhone will not mean shit.

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