Scumbsag Joe Salzgeber wants fans to buy only racist logo gear

Cougar face
  A disgruntled pathetic small time politician earlier this year advocated for Cleveland Indian fans to only buy gear with chief Wahoo. This is the smiling Indian logo this baseball organization has used for decades and is the ultimate of degrading Native American caricatures and portrayals that has survived this day and Brunswick Councilmen Joe Salzgeber wants to see it around forever. He made this appeal on his Facebook page in a rant against political correctness earlier in the year.This scumbag along with other fans of the Cleveland baseball team who dress up as Indians show their arrogance and racist nature and hatred of native Americans as if the Shawnee and Cherokee are still wandering the woods next door to their communities. The current ownership knows the gig is up and changing the logo off from the hat and onto secondary role is the beginning of the end f Chief Wahoo and the Indian mascot and idiots lie Joe Salzgeber just haven't realized this yet. Here is the pricks Facebook post

Joe Salzgeber, Brunswick City Councilman Ward 3's Profile PhotoJoe Salzgeber, Brunswick City Councilman Ward 3
about 3 months ago
Please join me in protesting Chief Wahoo's demotion by refusing to purchase or wear the "C-bock" Cleveland Indians ballcap at all....only purchase and wear the Chief Wahoo logo ballcap. Vote with your wallets for Chief Wahoo and support the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by fighting political correctness!

Now this Bruswick councilmen and people like him fighting hard for the continued disrespect of native Americans in 2016 are part of the problem and they need to be called out. Salzgeber has been called out through the internet for this posting on the eve of this seasons opener as he was so disgruntled that the racist smiling Indian logo was not being featured much as in the past. hopefully Cleveland baseball owner…/cleveland-indians-chief-wahoo-…
   The depiction of this cartoon and use in baseball has been a disturbing occurrence and one has to remember it was not until 1947 that Chief wahoo even made an appearance. Cleveland baseball existed before this and will exist after and the only resistance still to any change of the name that should occur by owner Pual Dolan in the future would solely be based on racism and a wish from White baseball fans for continuing the degrading and racist portrayal as their mascot done mainly to feed the pathetic egos of assholes like Joe Salzgeber

Sherman scared and curious about Center Water Bears

Arnold Buckley
   Sherman a left shark has just discovered center Water Bears and the topic of tardigrades has been a topic all week long for the gang on Sherman's lagoon. water bears freak Sherman out. water Bears are cool and they are everywhere and the fear that Sherman and other shave of these floating bears is not warranted.Image result for sherman's lagoon water bears Eventually Sherman gets around and sees these microscopic characters as amazing creatures modern day science and technology has enabled us to understand more and discover their existence. I am still waiting for the first water Bear comic strip as these creatures have yet to make a debut in any comic strip and thus far Jim Toomey the comic artist  of Sherman's Lagoon has yet to draw one for his strip.  I am not sure why Toomey hasn't drawn these bears and figuratively they might be small and difficult to put in a strip and interacting with these cast of SL. Water Bears are able to adapt and live in any type of environment and scientists think they could easily adapt to the radiations and solar winds of the inhospitable universe outwards anywhere in space. Water Bears are everywhere and look like something out of a George Lucas movie itself although in a much smaller and inconsequential existence. These things have an actual fucking valve for a mouth that either intakes or extracts water. I cannot even tell.  There is no doubt that Jim Toomey has it with him to be able to draw a tiny water bear character to somehow appear in his strip and all his fans and Tardigrade fans out there around the world await it hopefully soon before some one beats him to it.

Mona Charon bashes and blames men again for decline in work participation

Dimitri Diamond
   Mona Charon gives her opinions and her opinion behind the fading fortunes of men was the topic of a recent column this woman wrote in her syndicated column. She says men's jobs have been declining not through outsourcing of jobs to China but mainly through automation and efficiency. What Mona Charon doesn't write is this automation was mainly targeted at industries and jobs where union labors were strong and it was the profits used and gained by workers that enables these companies to research how best to eliminate these jobs. Most of these jobs required strength and were occupied by men who fought long and laboriously for some economic gains from their hard work through the decades many being killed for their actions. Mona also insults men with some report of the Council of Economic Advisors who say only sixteen percent of men aged 25-54 who are not in labor market want to be one. Mona Charon uses these biased reports basically to drive a perfidious point that men are lazy and do not want to work ad that women are so much smarter deserving of the jobs where they basically have a five hour lunch with potential clients. labor rates have been steadily declining because the investing class only wants to encourage soft feminine jobs in cities servicing the elites. the investing international class who Mona Charon speaks for in monopoly media want to blame lower-class and poor men for their predicament instead of the elites who have transformed the economy into service one to meet their needs and initiate a prison system for rejected men of society. Woman dominate human resources and many decision making jobs for industry and the vat amount of time of women in business consists of gossip and lunching with other women than actual worktime or management.
This woman needs to realize what made this country an economic powerhouse was manufacturing things at decent wages that created a strong middle-class of consumers and this will easily return once these trade deals and globalization fraudulent abuse of the American lifestyle and economy ends by this corrupted upper political class that has situated things to their advantages and ruined the economy by putting so many at a disadvantage. there are so many copious opportunities for women in the workplace and not so many for the young male not willing to sink himself in massive debt towards the banks for loans to pay for outrageous priced tuition. Male job loss in this country was a long-range goal and tactic by the one percent gearing the economy toward medical and social services landscapes that guaranteed more  women success over men  and spills this country more into debt due to our insane trade policies. Image result for mona charen mens jobsWomen can also easily get jobs connected to male bastion industries or traditional jobs in male products and traditions but how many men can get jobs in female products and sell or market cosmetics? There is an overall bias for soft people and women in corporate America and this is the problem with men not working these days and even an idiot like Mona Charon should get this in one of their brain cells.  It is not that women have adjusted more to job changes and landscapes but the elites have adjusted the economy and jobs towards them into he type of jobs offered and made more plentiful through the years is a sort of twisted feminist revenge deal with the devil that undermines the strength of the overall economy.

Islamic States last gasp with Turkey

Ali Muhammed
   Turkey is a strong police state that is ground zero in the war between secularists and radical Muslims wishing to establish a theocracy. The terrorist attack in Turkey was just one of many failures of ISIS to win the hearts of Muslims worldwide and in making an enemy out of Turkish president Recepp Tayyip Erdogan who had let this terrorist group free-reign to wage war against both the Kurds and Assad's forces in Syria. however, like most terrorist snakes the head can come back and bite the tail and eventually the Islamic state would have its snake eyes on Turkey. Once Turkey made reconciliation with Israel and put a tougher stance on the terrorists battling the Kurds Istanbul has become a target. Fifty Turks were killed in airport attacks in another ability of ISIS showing the extreme carnage they are still capable of in a crowded area to make a government look bad. All this will do is further erode their base and create another state enemy that will go after them and ISIS will continue to recruit suicide Muslims from around the world that just cannot handle life without Sharia law. The further encroachment of Gay and lesbian event and lifestyles in pride weeks being celebrated in the Turkish capital is further evidence of urban-country divide in this country that divides Asian from Europe. Perhaps the Turkish dilemma is best summed up by Turkish expert and his quote that the capacity of IS and similar Sunni militant groups in Turkey is set to grow as long as the country allows political Islam in the hinterland to grow unfettered," said Ege Seckin, analyst with IHS Country Risk. This comment resonates as the hinterlands of Islamic countries continue to fall behind the cites and all is left are the insane rabble rousers who cling closer to the beliefs of their ancestors and generations past as they see change they are extremely uncomfortable occur before their eyes.
Seckin warned that "the semi-autonomous and non-hierarchical nature of IS cells in Turkey", which the intelligence services estimate to include some 3,000 Turks, makes it difficult to detect them before they act. Erdogan was foolish into thinking that ISIS operatives in neighboring lands would not eventually attack Turkey as they would any European city or barracks of Assad's Syrian army. Turkey is a modern Muslim nation long having civilization while most Arabs were raiding one another for the camels with the biggest humps and basically the remote nature of what Islamic State recruits from has no other voice or opinion aside from violence in dealing with the effects of a shrinking globalized world where alternative ideas and lifestyles are celebrated instead of condemned to death. The Islamic state is a pawn used for geo-political purposes and not a real Islamic organization and this pawn just made a bad move against Turkey again and whether ISIS or Erdogan likes it turkey is moving more and more to resemble modern day Brazil than ottoman empire or the days of the prophet Muhammed circa 632 because in the end people want freedoms and not a life of reciting a stupidold  book called the Koran.

Massive riot breaks out in Milwaukee's Sherman Park Black area as Collective Coffee expands to Chicago

Eric Ericson
   A massive riot broke out in Milwaukee last night and local authorities say the melee that occurred in Sherman park was planned by the Thuggish element that lives surrounding Milwaukee's fine downtown. Black punks in Sherman par battled police for hours in Milwaukee's worse urban riot since the sixties and which was downplayed by both local and national media. Up to a thousand Black males ran round the Sherman park district breaking store  windows, setting fires, and basically just acting like the low-class urban thugs that they are in an annual summertime tradition in Milwaukee. Milwaukee called out all deputies in the area and local police were quickly dispatched to the area making dozens of arrests of the slowest and most vocal ringleaders of this riot which is sure to repeat several times this summer. A brick broke a window on a Milwaukee County bus and another smashed a window at a BP gas station. One rock thrown by someone in the crowd broke a window on a police squad. Sherman Park and the area around 38th and Burleigh is about the worse of any urban areas you will ever find as there is no development or nice coffee houses or cafes. Mayor Tom Barrett said police are investigating the incident and was confident that police would get to the bottom of it.
   On a lighter note Milwaukee's Collective Coffee had plans for the first time to expand out of Milwaukee and will be opening several locations in the Chicago area. Chicago's Lincoln Park will be the first neighborhood getting this excellent local Milwaukee franchise makers of some of the best dam cup of joe you will ever get. Collective Coffee will roast their beans in Milwaukee and ship it quickly to Chi-town and coffee drinkers in Chicago are looking forward to this addition in an already crowded and awesome coffee areas. A rendering of the new Colectivo Coffee Chicago locationWhether  Collective Coffee will ever open up a shop in the Sherman Park area of Milwaukee is doubtful and quite understandable. Collective founder Lincoln Fowler had no comment if plans were ever in the makes of opening up a shop on Burliegh and 38 th street.

Tribune's Lara Weber attacks Uber and Lyft with abrasive editorial critique of industry that threatens her beloved taxi industry

Terry Blue
   Lara Weber must of received some contributions from the Taxi industry because the tribune member of the editorial board wrote a column about why she wouldn't be taking Uber or Lyft ever again. she wrote a scanting critique of the ride-sharing economy and says basically Uber is a tech-assisted Taxi dispatch and she describes Uber as some private company scam as if taxi industries were not a monopoly for so long in cities. Lara knows little of the business model Uber and Lyft are trying to create and if left alone by government and pro-taxi editorials these companies would thrive and put these taxi industries in the graveyard were they belong. The taxi industry has long been about inefficient easy gigs for immigrants wasting fuel driving around on dead nights such as Sundays. Uber and Lyft provide services to people when and where they need it and no where in this editorial does Lara Weber talk about the medallion investing and loan shark scam limiting the number of drivers so as to make illusion s of value for these medallions needed to mortgage half of a drivers lifetime earnings just to be able to drive and make some little jingle. Lara Weber knows little of the drive-sharing industry and exactly why she decided to write a piece severly criticizing Uber and Lyft and declaring red flags all over for these companies is unclear. I think I know what the reasons are though and if she wants to take taxis fine but for most people of the millennium generation getting an under of Lyft lift from a dude you know is the preferential model they seek and have established for themselves.

Timothy Noah tries to explain the divergence of wealth in America and the rest of the world

Herbert Gilbert
   Journalist Timothy Noah has a keen interest in inequality and he has written one of the most grasping books tackling this subject and trying to figure out how the land of opportunity has seen social mobility ore difficult than Venezuela. This inequality is shifting regional differences and creating a more intense bitter political divide. Noah's book called "The Great Divergence" draws of the work of the best economists in exploring this intense debate of modern times and the relationship between business and government that has much to blame for continuing the growth of differences between peoples incomes. Noah examines the usual shift in marrying patterns and union decline in the private industry has possible reasoning's for this divergence in America and the constant job loss and displacing of peoples incomes are obvious and likely deliberate plans of the ruling class to quell any power of political opposition. Mass un-skilled immigration has also created a new class of poor while helping drive other people nd their occupations from business and industry using this immigrant legal and illegal to their maximum benefit buy paying the minimum wages thy can get away. Noah goes through a chapter of the college premium and the computerization of the economy that restricted high-paying new jobs of the ecnoy only to be open to the highly educated and not to mention those able to acess this education through loans that benefits the banking bankster class. This sort of job extortion I believe is the greatest cause of the great divergence of peoples livelihood and incomes and a subject few are willing to take to task. America's colleges and universities as Noah explains also created this flux by raising tuition and fees and feeding the banks and pigs more in higher education and the high interest loaning and profit of it.

Clevland Indians fans Gojo and Panther looking for Indians hoping for the Super bowl of baseball

Guy Baldwin
  GoJo ,Hawkeye, and panther are three idiot Clevland Indian fans that often disrespect natives and dress up in ridiculous red paint for Indian games. these guys are perhaps the most egregious of the Indian mockery sports fans you will ever have seen in the history of native American character and nicknames and these three are really serious hoping this is the year of the Cleveland Indians. The sports fans of Clevland have suffered so long with bad teams that winning two or possibly ..I did say possibly three championships in a row would be the most amazing thing since slices cheese on a bun. many Cleveland Indian fans have been inspired by the success and winning of the championship of the king Lebron James who made an exclamation point that e is indeed the best player of all time. Now baseball is no basketball and I cannot recall three players on the Cleveland Indians on the magnitude of a Kyrie Irving, Keven Love, or Lebron James. I don't really even care to look up who is making the Cleveland Indians so awesome winners of their last ten games , but I really would be rooting for them to go to the Superbowl. Cleveland has been without a championship for so long unto this year it would be marvelous if the city received two in a row. regardless of the lunacy of Gojo, ahh Hawkeye, and Panther most fans are not this moronic and likely would be supportive of an Indian nickname change. Our own Terry Blue,city expert, and Cougar Face will have a seminar soon here to discuss Cleveland and a name change real soon here on this blog so stay tuned.

Left Blue shark killed for amusment selfies

Jake Glass
  A Beautiful Left  Blue Shark dies the other day after lifeguards and tourists dragged it out from the water and they all pulled out their phones and all took selfies of the struggling fish.
A helpless shark died when it was pulled from the sea so lifeguards and tourists could pose for pictures with the beached animal.  Lifeguards from the nearby Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana were responsible for this outrage and one can only hope local authorities take some serious thought of prosecuting these men for the destruction of the wildlife and waters that make Dominican Republic such a top tourist destination for so many wanting to enjoy the Caribbean. In footage recorded and then uploaded to YouTube by holidaymakers the shark can be seen writhing in agony as it wriggled then died. the tourists showed absolutely no concern for this scared shark and it wiggles desperately trying to get back into the water before it overheated. The Dominican men then surprisingly just discarded the shark and didn't even bother to eat it or anything.
The video shows nine excited young men race into the Caribbean Sea to grab the shark and yank it hard out of the water into the bitter sand which is alien to the shark and as the shark gasped for its last bits of life and air it had the indignity of a bunch of clowns gather around it to take snap shots at the moment of the shark being on the brink of existence. One wonders what would have happened it some creatures had done tis to the first sea lifes that started to emerge out of the waters eons ago and prevented water creatures from ever evolving onto land.

Rahm Emanuel needs to pack his bags and go West with Lucus

Oscar Orton
   Chicago elites want more and more of the public lands surrounding the lake front that they can turn over to developers and make millions. The attempt to put another building and structure on this land was an attempt by Rahm Emanuel's administration and Chicago's construction elites to chip away at this parkland and it failed miserably. predictably Rahm Emmanuel blamed the park organization that fought tooth and nail and threatened lawsuits in deterring Geroge Lucus and this plan to chip away slowly on reserved park public land by the profiteers of this city and Lucus and his stupid neurotic and eccentric Star  wars troopers sailed on their ship back to California. mayor idiot Rahm says a museum should be in a museum campus among the others that along the lakefront holdovers from the Colombian exposition of 1893.The problem is in this statement is that the Lucus museum of artifacts from his star wars movies can hardly be labeled as a real museum. A suit of armor of a star wars space soldier may of been the lifelong dream of this movie mogul Geroge Lucus but it hardly is an educational or scientific importance of reality and the human experience. It deserves more to be in a big really cool Star wars store lets say....ahhhh in one of these numerous empty malls al all across America.  If this moron Lucus and Chicago's greedy developers wanted lakefront land for this Star wars museum than let them by land in Highwood. for these elite pricks Rahm Emmanuel and George Lucus to actually think shrinking Chicago lakefront land should of been simply given to this guy for his displays of fantasy creatures and stormtroopers was incredibly arrogant and shortsightedness and no doubt this great opposition and victory. The attempts by Rahm Emanuel and George Lucus was nothing but a pathetic land grab to make some millionaires closer to becoming billionaires and under the guise to slowly chip away and open up more lakefront property to big time international developers.

Amazing Atheist calls new Ghostbusters movie the ugly dyke version 2016

   Nick Dumbjilio
  The internet sensation known as the Amazing Atheist blasted the new female Ghostbusters movie and trailer informing his thousands of YouTube followers that this movie clip got the most dislikes ever through that website. The Amazing character went on to say this is a movie that there was no clamoring for and I just the ugly dyke version of Ghostbuster which few will go nd see this summer. The Amazing Atheist said the Ghostbusters original was one of the best movies of its generation and that movies like Ghostbusters should not have a bad female version come twenty or thirty years later to tarnish the image of this Ghost classic. This guy and his videos have always been chock full of misogyny shit but perhaps his criticism for a movie he has not seen as yet and calling it  a dyke version is the most misogynist bullshit video this jerk has ever put out to his millions and millions of devoted male anger audience that just couldn't wait for the Amazing ones movie critic review of this all-female Ghost busters I wonder if perhaps Amazing fucking Atheist didn't realize that many of the women who enjoyed this movie back in the day would no have wanted more female characters in the original and this is why a remake most likely is occurring to attract the female fans of Ghostbuster with Bull Murray and Ernie Hudson. I look forwards to reviewing this movie and am glad to see female fans who were fans in the eighties and never thought women could be lead role sin a comedy like this finally get their Ghostbusters and show the world and men like this chicken-faces prick that maybe there should of been a woman Ghostbuster back in 84 not it for misogynist attitudes towards women back then .

The hypocrisy of Mark Zuckerberg as he builds massive wall on Kaua'i

Zachary Zuckerberg
   You know big bro mark is a hypocritical son of a mother. As a brother from the same mother Mark is a joke despite his riches and when he complained about Donald Trump building walls I always realize what a hypocrite punk mark and other rich people can be on this subject. Most of them live in gated communities where their only daily interaction with Mexicans and Guatemalans comes as domestic servants taking order on what part of their mansion to clean. Zuckerberg had bought a massive tract of land on a former plantation in Hawaii and one of the first alterations on this land will be him constructing a six-foot wall around his property.
  Mark never had to be concerned with Mexicans and for this property likely my big bro wants to keep out the Native Hawaiians who are about as fond of White dudes with money coming to their island as mark is found of employees giving secrets to twitter. Zuckerberg's neighbors on the island of Kauaʻi are very overwrought at their beautiful views being   destroyed because this technocrat decided he is lord and king of this new castle. Mark loves to piss neighbors off with construction and had a similar problem with neighbors in his exclusive San Francisco neighborhood making some massive extensions to his home. The only borders these plutocrat tech-people believe is in their vast private landholdings and properties they gobble about in their real estate ventures to hoard more property wealth knowing full-well their technology internet assets are about as stable as the SS Minow during an El Nino season.     It’s really sad that somebody would come in, and buy a huge piece of land and the first thing they do is cut off this view that’s been available and appreciative by the community here for years and Mark has no shame about  transforming this area from the locals and view that have existed an eternity with some construction and temple dedicated to himself and his ugly Chinese wife. Markie has no concept of natural beauty whether it comes to preserving landscape or selecting wives. I think Mark attacked Donald Trump's wall plans because he was jealous the Donald has a hot wife and mark couldn't deal with someone that hot in the bedroom.  many people wonder if the size of his McMansion and the wall will keep out the breeze from the ocean on a hot summer day. Mark is transfixed with walls and likely why he had to open his big mouth and stand up for the techy industry and their right to import cheaper workers which would be threatened under a trump presidency.

What Matt Taibbi gets about the remain camp in Britian feel about true representative democracy and allowances of devient sexual travesties of Pakistani migrant

Carl Olsen
   Matt Taibbi realizes this criticism of the brexit vote by the losers of the referendum is basically an example of the smug urban class whose residence in their glorified skyscraper bubble has them totally out of touch with other citizens. Taibbi has written exclusively on this interesting election season and how basically the Democrats have to get over the prospect of being the lesser of the two evils mainly for the progressive population unwilling to vote for religious theocracy and instead get financial terrorism with he democrats. Taibbi recently wrote that full democracy is no longer seen as necessary for many liberal elites as losing is something the banking and advertising upper-classes do not take readily by votes from Fred in Omaha or Charlie in Blackpool. To the yuppies of Manhattan or London's suit global classes these people in the boondocks should not have a say about their livihood and trade alliances. Matt Taibbi understands that the people in London and Scotland see representative government on whether remaining in the EU as about themselves and not other people in the Northern industrial towns of England, who by mere coincidence have been the hardest hit by trade deals and the affect of joining the European Union. London is made up of international bankers who are the leeches of modern society and the idea that English townsfolks would make it harder for these people to continue to corrupt and make dirty dark money  around the world and settle in merry old England and turn it to Londonstan is inconceivable to this fascistic money manipulator population. Matt says if he were  British, I'd probably have voted to Remain. But it's not hard to understand being pissed off at being subject to unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels. Nor is it hard to imagine the post-Brexit backlash confirming every suspicion you might have about the people who run the EU. The republic of Londonstan has allowed in so many dangerous people into the country because they have Euros and British pounds and their hatred and anger against western women makes these people a daily threat to women. Taibbi took to account all of the social media chatter by people calling for democratic voices in this debate to be ignored for the sense of their economic advantages. it was in the name of good publicity and front that police in Britain covered up the molestation of a thousand underage children of English descent by older Pakistani gangs in England through a decade and several towns. Image result for hannah foster murderThe people who run  the EU for the benefit of tradesters and banksters and for the very wealthy whether they be European, Chinese, or Indian/Pakistani. They seek to have special laws for themselves and one can only remind how police covered up over a thousand cases of Pakistani abuse of White girls and how corrupt local political class tried to cover up this pedophile ring because it was made up of wealthy Global Indians and Pakistanis. There was only going to be so many more Hannah Foster murders and hard extraditions the English people were willing to take against this brown invasion. Hannah Foster was beautiful white school child murdered by an Indian immigrant whose family and connections made it most difficult to bring this bastard back to England to face his brutal rape and killing. You can only abuse and push a people to far and the English people decided that EU trade organizers need to get off their isle and take their trading Patel class with them.