Amazon seasonal worker costs accelerate freaking out dirty grinch Jeff Bezos

Alex Mousolpoplous
 Jeff Bezos has a dilemma The costs of seasonal workers at amazon are getting higher and higher pretty much increasing higher than inflation as Amazon struggles to meet demand. Bezos has refused to improve working condition or employment and pretty much has been forced through the free-market to increase wages for these temporary workers. Bezos wishes he can just build robots to avoid this employment headache he really doesn't want to deal with and outsources agencies to take care of this matter. The industry of middle men saves huge amounts of what would be more costly staffing issues that amazon would endure and the whole industry of workers and businesses such as amazon are initiating a whole permanent tier of temporary workers as it strives to cut costs and employment opportunities with full benefits packages. Congress needs to go after the tax avoidance money of mega-corporations such as amazon and the money they save by not offering full employment and encouraging this temporary economy onto the local struggling governments across the nation. The egregious actions and audacity  of these  companies in reaping huge profits and offering the American people bullshit is definitely a target to go after by activists. This system has helped propel Jeff Bezos to cult like status among the techno and  business elites that condone and love a system of modern day serfdom. Temporary agencies such as Integrity often bamboozle this desperate workforce in illusions of grandeur that they can actually be hired full time and climb into management opportunities as the company waits out for technology to produce machines with the dexterity to pick items from a shelf. Until that time occurs these desperate rural backwards youth in America, with no other job opportunity aside from serving overseas and maiming  for the elites  in the military, will continue to work their ass off at temps running the risk of being killed on at the job by this indifferent company. 

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