Chuck Woodruff
Idiot Rick Paulus writes somewhere on-line and once lived in the Chicago region before moving to Los Angeles.

Paulus said the biggest shock when moving out West aside from the bad pizza was that there was not one Dunkin Donuts store around where he could get is daily intake of watered down bad coffee and stale jelly donut. He did some research and realized the entire state only had one at some air force base far away and the disappointment he felt having to actually go into one of these independent and cool donut shops was disappointing. You see for an eg head like Rick Paulas classics like Stan's Donuts in Westwood and the iconic Randy's Donuts were unfamiliar territory and basically the loyalty cruddy Dunkin Donuts corporate state gets is from idiots like this writer who care little about the vibe and environment when they get their inferior product. Paulus thinks these independent donut stores will be fine and can co-exist with Dunkin Donuts California expansion but again this man show

s his egg brain and fails to realize the advantages a massive corporate giant like Dunkin Donuts can have over the little guy displacing them with crony local village deals and constructing new buildings on site. many of these future Dunkin Donuts will actually be over these family run donut stores whenever Dunkin and local village leaders find a way to buy them out. What will occur is the same ugly ubiquitous one finds in Rhode Island, Boston, Philadelphia and a Chicago.

You will find this area being devoid of competition from indies as these areas are and just basically zombies going about their habitual regular routine like a Rick Paulas not really examining the inferiourness of the Dunkin brand and product. The independents like Stan's are much better inequality and not focused on cutting corners and trying to sell every dough they bake as the tremendously awful Dunkin global brand builds its business plan and profitability on depending on the ignorance of its base and morons such as Rick Paulas.
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