Bud Cooper
The soft-sounding sounds of Gary Null bring many practical advice concerning heath and nutrition and the man is an expert on the world of fitness. He was mentioning on his award winning podcast that as people age they need to double down on the amount of fitness and activity to fight the affects of natural aging. Null couldn't believe some celebrity who shared his building was naïve and assumed that as people age they need to tune it down a bit and relax the physical constraints of their workout. Null correctly pointed out to this athlete neighbor of his that the need for older people to continue at their pace and stepping it up a bit is what is beneficial and more healthy than worrying about hurting ones self and acquiescing to the battle of the buldge.

This type of reasoning I reckon is why in America you see so many huge fat people many of whom supposedly were star athletes in school and so fort in life. The suburban lifestyle of only moving around under a machine is the biggest culprit of tis social problem. The average middle-age American looks like a Northern Walrus and one only needs to walk into a Wal-Mart to observe these people in their daily habitat. The American people and suburbanites only daily exercise ritual is walking their dog down the block to shit in the park so they don't have to clean it up. All of your older Americans still in great shape were able to maintain their youthful vigor through continuous work outs and many put it up a notch and improved the efficiency and intensity of exercise.

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