The English people have spoken and voted against the Islamification of their country. With fifty two percent of the vote the British people have voted to leave the corrupt cross-border Jewish scam otherwise known as the European Union and David Cameron has announced that he will step down. Now Alex Tsiperas of Greece and other nations need to leave the EU which was basically a globalist attempt to erase borders and create more inequality and diversity throughout Europe importing cheap Muslim labor from the Middle East. The best prospect of this vote is it should encourage Italy ,Ireland, Spain and other countries to leave this Union that puts their nation in the have not half and benefits the French, Germans, \Turks and Muslims seeking to immigrate but to never assimilate.. The English understood that London property values increased to the point the average Englishman couldn't afford to live in his country's capital because of foreign capital flooding into the country through this disastrous union. The union was nothing more than a complete gulf state take over of Muslims in the Arabian peninsula in taking over their former colonial masters and the vote to get out of the European union was keenly caused by this money migration directed by Muslim monarchs.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed it as the UK's "independence day", while Boris Johnson said the result would not mean "pulling up the drawbridge".
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was "absolutely determined" to keep Scotland in the EU so a second Scottish independence referendum was now "highly likely". The likes of Sturgeon and David Cameron who were willing to sell their country, heritage, and land to wealthy foreigners who thus would of imported more of their poor countrymen and implant their own societies into the British isles needs to be examined and the Scottish people need to vote and also decide that being part of under lords to Gulf monarchs and Central German bankers does not improve their lot. The West needs to invest more in clean green energy and eventually get off the dirty energy that gives Muslims influence and a say on immigration policies and political pressure against the various countries. Without a doubt the tide against globalization is taking a turn as people rise up and an international movement against the internationalist investors using printed bank money and power with it to influence government for ending trade and movement restrictions in ushering a new sense of ethnic ,racial, and national pride throughout the western world which is causing massive panic in the Islamic,Jew, and trade capitalist world.
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