My brother mark met with China's propaganda chief in a total suck up to this authortraian state that so many American businessmen apparently approve and without a doubt Mark loves China. He loves how a few Chinese leaders and business industrialists control the mass zombies unable to put up effective resistance to the domination of an elite few. if he had the power Mark Zuckerberg would dig up the corpse of Mao Tse Tung and install him as head of the California Democratic party treasury. Mark also loves to meet with Alibaba founder Jack Ma and have "fireside chats" with a fellow tech economic dominator and they talk about how they can both work together and with the respective corrupt governments they reside.mark has worked hard in brushing up his mandarin and clearly mark has always been fascinated with China and its culture. i think he had like forty old dusty porn tapes back in the day of Asian fever videos before mom threw them away in a fit of rage.
Mark Zuckerberg is perhaps China's biggest ass kisser since Boy George
Zachary Zuckerberg
My brother mark met with China's propaganda chief in a total suck up to this authortraian state that so many American businessmen apparently approve and without a doubt Mark loves China. He loves how a few Chinese leaders and business industrialists control the mass zombies unable to put up effective resistance to the domination of an elite few. if he had the power Mark Zuckerberg would dig up the corpse of Mao Tse Tung and install him as head of the California Democratic party treasury. Mark also loves to meet with Alibaba founder Jack Ma and have "fireside chats" with a fellow tech economic dominator and they talk about how they can both work together and with the respective corrupt governments they reside.mark has worked hard in brushing up his mandarin and clearly mark has always been fascinated with China and its culture. i think he had like forty old dusty porn tapes back in the day of Asian fever videos before mom threw them away in a fit of rage.
I vividly remember a couple of years ago when internet regulator Lu Wei visited Facebook's headquarters the kiss ass Mark had a book by president Xi Jinping on is desk and had a ping pong table installed into the room hours before the visit. Facebook is still banned in China and Mark has been lobbying hard to get his social media site into this country often promising that it will not be a platform for political and social change against the government. i really think if jack ma told mark to drop his pants late at night at the Great Wall and go into the dark corner mark would jump like a seal needing salmon.My brother really is that pathetic when it comes to Chinese flesh. Mark admires the really smart educated Asians who are super smart in science and math and he really admires the authoritarian nature of parenting forcing these kids to study these subjects twenty hours a day. While he would never want our parents to do this he likes that some parents are so into forcing this subjects on their children and forcing them to learn data and numbers to an extreme and discipline of a robot which is what many of these children become with tiger parents. They are sick I tell you and for anyone to admire an undemocratic and unnatural state entity such as China shows how warped into computing a Mark Zuckerberg's brain has become and how he wants to share this for more of humanity
My brother mark met with China's propaganda chief in a total suck up to this authortraian state that so many American businessmen apparently approve and without a doubt Mark loves China. He loves how a few Chinese leaders and business industrialists control the mass zombies unable to put up effective resistance to the domination of an elite few. if he had the power Mark Zuckerberg would dig up the corpse of Mao Tse Tung and install him as head of the California Democratic party treasury. Mark also loves to meet with Alibaba founder Jack Ma and have "fireside chats" with a fellow tech economic dominator and they talk about how they can both work together and with the respective corrupt governments they reside.mark has worked hard in brushing up his mandarin and clearly mark has always been fascinated with China and its culture. i think he had like forty old dusty porn tapes back in the day of Asian fever videos before mom threw them away in a fit of rage.
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