The great Nomi Prins wrote a piece in the new York Daily News about the absurdity of Hillary Clinton's campaign acting like they will actually get tough on Wall street and the power of the big five international banks who are singlehandedly trying to erase all governments and borders with their financial weaponry. Nomi can't believe that Hilary is talking about tough enforcement against the big banks when she knows fully the only way to end their economic abuse is which is to break them up, by resurrecting the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, which was repealed under Bill Clinton’s administration. There is no actual way to read the direction of the country has gone for smaller cities and rural areas than having all the big banks buy local small community banks all over the country into their attempt to drain the heartlands of any potential and wealth I order to preserve the international Ivy league school global control of governments around the world.
Nomi Prins rips Hillary Clinton's bank plans and rips Hillary Clinton a new asshole
Alex Mousololpoplous
The great Nomi Prins wrote a piece in the new York Daily News about the absurdity of Hillary Clinton's campaign acting like they will actually get tough on Wall street and the power of the big five international banks who are singlehandedly trying to erase all governments and borders with their financial weaponry. Nomi can't believe that Hilary is talking about tough enforcement against the big banks when she knows fully the only way to end their economic abuse is which is to break them up, by resurrecting the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, which was repealed under Bill Clinton’s administration. There is no actual way to read the direction of the country has gone for smaller cities and rural areas than having all the big banks buy local small community banks all over the country into their attempt to drain the heartlands of any potential and wealth I order to preserve the international Ivy league school global control of governments around the world.
The Ivy-league class of achievers and "smart' people only goal is to financially reward their cult at the expense of the masses of the population who can't buy the grades ,tutors and achievements into this dreaded banking evil class with bigshot degrees from Yale and Harvard. This is the real reason why Wall Street and select urban centers are luxury playgrounds and Wal-Mart has been allowed to carve out and destroy Main Streets throughout the country. Nomi Prins also pointed out that Hillary Clinton forgot to mention that of the five big power banks who only recruit Ivy=League students , that She didn't mention two of them were JPM Chase and Citigroup, which happened to be two of her top five campaign contributors throughout her political career, and donors to the Clinton Foundation.
Prins says people should not be fooled that Hilary is trying to craft her message after the pounding she too and that questions need to be answered how Clinton will reign in the financial industry being that when she took power in New York the growth of the financial power and wealth has been more concentrated to these few banks who were instrumental in causing the 2008 crash that nearly wiped out this country and had it on the brink. a Hillary Clinton presidency is perhaps the scariest possibility this country has ever faced since the War of 1812 and the British were on the verge of merging America with Canada. Hilary Clinton and the masters of Wall Street are a combination of Jesse James and Benedict Arnold.
The great Nomi Prins wrote a piece in the new York Daily News about the absurdity of Hillary Clinton's campaign acting like they will actually get tough on Wall street and the power of the big five international banks who are singlehandedly trying to erase all governments and borders with their financial weaponry. Nomi can't believe that Hilary is talking about tough enforcement against the big banks when she knows fully the only way to end their economic abuse is which is to break them up, by resurrecting the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, which was repealed under Bill Clinton’s administration. There is no actual way to read the direction of the country has gone for smaller cities and rural areas than having all the big banks buy local small community banks all over the country into their attempt to drain the heartlands of any potential and wealth I order to preserve the international Ivy league school global control of governments around the world.
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