Ed West
finally leftist Bill De Blassio came up with a good idea corralling the moronic costume beggars of Times Square. For years tis area has become more inundated wit neurotic and eccentric immigrants from Latin America seeking handouts through pictures of their bad costumes. These people impeded foot traffic on Times square and in recent years became more aggressive and hostile as competition heated up at this heavy tourist spot. These free-loaders will now face stiff fines and arrests if they do not confine their trade to eight small zones were they will be free to do their beggary. They will not be able to approach tourists and must wait for people to approach them. a recent court case where a guy in an ugly Spiderman costume kicked people who gave quarter tips was the ast draw for the city and is why these new regulations were required as business openers started massively complain about these

costumed worthless clowns. People who dress up in Las Vegas or Times square are just lazy losers not willing to get a real job and for years got away with this crap on the crowded streets turning these popular tourist destinations into more difficult and stressful environments for many of these tourists. Some free speech activists will decry this decision saying the streets are public and these moochers should have a right to profit off the costumes of other creative innovators which is total bullshit. These people who parade the sidewalks seeking to make revenue from costumes should be arrested for copyright violations and take to a court of law forced to pay back restitutions.

Oscar Rodriguez told Business insider that not being able to dress up as batman's biggest nemesis as the joker will hit his pocketbooks and make it ore difficult to provide for his family. "This is my job and it is a good job" the man born in Columbia and who likely came here illegally and lives in tis sanctuary city. "This will make it more difficult for me to provide for my family" Too bad so sad. This joker needs to get a real jo and not one consisting of tips and taking snapshots dressed as the Joker.
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