Cody Maloney
The gay Wayne Besen again rallied against guns the other day after crazed former graduate student gunned down a professor on campus. Wayne Besen distorts any gun crime and makes calls for the government to confiscate and take all guns from the hands of responsible owners and because there hasn't been a gun mass killing for a while Wayne Besen was quick to jump on this random shooting from a disgruntled Indian man.

This is the same radio host from Chicago and former gay activist who jumps at any opportunity of violence or attack at a Donald Trump rally yet ignored scores of leftist attacks on random Trump supporters and rally attendees as the San Jose ugly mob political riot by extreme leftist activists. Wayne Besen said little about the vicious attacks on trump supporters in California or the calls of returning the state to Mexican rule by the masses of protesters because Wayne Besen is a homo who just concentrates his media outlet for verbal assaults against republicans,gun owners, and basically straight White America.

Besen is one of these liberal ultra-paranoid folks whose irrational fear of Nazism returning shows the delusion they have using this German political decade regime of fascism into the modern day as a propaganda tool of disinformation. the real fascist is this gay liberal who wants to take guns away from people so his radical agenda can be empowered and they can go to work on bisexual bathrooms and transgender pets. This guy is a joke and should never have a platform for his divisive political obsession as the guy has Bruce Rauner and Donald trump on his mind most likely thinking how many combined inches these two billionaires have between their legs and how Besen can find a daddy like them. Liberal far-left radio agitators and podcasters are responsible for the violence seen in San Jose and other part of the nation as they have agitated people with their lies and misinformation as they desperately seek to end Trump's political rise against the two-party monopoly on the american political system tat has worked to increase wealth into a small fraction of the population while opening up borders and economically forcing migrations as divisive tactics.
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