George Will worries about people having a say and a voice in their affairs. Will recently wrote that the Republicans need to exclude the possibility of Donald Trump setting the party back and from him ever attaining the White House despite the votes of the people. George will has long been an handsomely rewarded elite media member and thus has a personal stake in seeing the establishment survive in tact. George Will's ridiculous notion that the Republican party needs to stop Trump from winning is further evidence of the two-party monopoly and the power it has with members of the media seeing to it that nothing interrupts this corruptible hold on this country.
George Will is concerned that a English awakening and dissolvment from the European Union would disrupt the global order he is such a backer. Te English people are seeing the European Union as for what it is and that is an erosion of sovereignty that could turn any nation into Greece on a whim wit debt-loaded financial terrorism of which a George Will has no understanding. A George Will wants only pre-selected leaders to call the shots and back the media institutions with moolah so he can have a well-paying career that will never be outsourced to lee Fung in China. For the masses of people in the British isles who are White and native born the trade deals and European unity has rewarded England with connected foreigners settling in their cities driving up prices and pushing them into the countryside and this is the setting a wicked gorge Will wants to see continued for a proud people. The people in Britain will vote htis month and most likely reject this dark future that only promises to turn London into a wealthy Pakistani outlet and make the rest of the nation a colony of it. Writers like Will don;t want democratic process to take place and these people will be among the first either suspended or arrested when real change happens.
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