Larry Frost
Prior to 1926 most scientists and experts of fishology and zoology never considered the shark to be dangerous to an. In Matawan new jersey though the shark took a Left turn and a Great White terrorized the people in this rural backwater that was new jersey back in the day. In July a great White was captured by Spot-Tail, a spirit of a local Delaware Eastern Indian who lived in the 1650's according to Cougar face and American Indian oral sex tradition. The spirit was consumed of hate for the White man and industrial progression has transformed the landscape and was starting to turn new Jersey in the industrial wasteland it is now as we now it.

The spirit consumed four white men in July 1916 off the Atlantic Seaborne in a twelve day. A smart-ass little punk named Lester Stillwell was one of the victims who according to our Native American co-writer at this staff was particularly targeted for the shit he said about Indians while he and his friends played cowboys and Indians in the months leading up to July of 1916.

Little Lester didn't know what hit him and on this day in July every year the village of Matawan holds a reenactment of the death and attack of Lester Stillwell which needless to say is both neurotic and eccentric by the freaks in the area. I don't know that is something Runs Like Cougar or Cougar Face as we call him relates often when talking about the Left Shark Jersey Shore sneaky snookie attacks back then. The shark took this boy don and ate him up like a fucking seal eats eel.

Whether Cougar ace is correct on this vision or not the fact is that one hundred years ago people for the first time in humanity took the Left shark seriously as a dangerous creature of the sea to be as feared and looked at as dangerous as the Bear, Lion, Tiger, and massive Bull. The hut for what would be a great White was under way and another man lost his life when cornering the shark and it took out an artery near his hip. The hipster died as his pack mule ambulance took too long to get to the hospital as his insurance didn't cover an automobile. the people of New Jersey still see the occasional shark attack in Atlantic City but this can be either the human or fish terror of the local population

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