Baxter Lomax
The Double Door Nightclub has fought plans by the landlord to get rid of this music venue and menace to the community for long time. The Double Door is a rock venue and changing musical tastes and demographics have started to work against this club which has been a fixture of the Chicago music scene for some two decades. A judge declared the owners of this nightclub to vacate the place soon but the stubborn owner refuses and insists the Double Door is staying put and will continue to have bad blaring music for some time. Joel Shanahan needs to give up the fight and realize property values have skyrocketed and having a lame club playing bad hip hop music is rightfully something this community wishes to see come to an end.

Wicker park's gentrification and success has doomed these loud loser places that cause more trouble than they need be and this will be a good day when places like Double Door and Congress Theatre finally close down. The Double Door is facing eviction and last call will be for the club soon whether Joel Shanahan or Sean Mulroney like it or not. This club was only iconic for young people into arrogant music that reverberated throughout the block and forced people to have to deal with the noise whether they wanted it or not. The Double Door will be no mo. and the impugn idea that this club was so impactful for the residents especially for those who are not into the 20-25 year old musical scene. I still want to know how a music venue with bands you never heard of and never will get fame was ever declared influential. This place had about as uch impact as the Itasca Inn next to tree Guys Pizzeria.

The Double Door's lease at 1572 N. Milwaukee Ave. expired Oct. 31, and landlord Brian Strauss filed a complaint seeking the club's eviction. The property is reportedly worth millions of dollars, and a new tenant could potentially bring five times Double Door's agreed-upon $22,760 monthly occupancy payment, said the club's attorney, Cary Schiff. This place was a nuisance and the neighborhood finally get rid of this business despite Mulroney and co-owner Joe Shanahan plans to appeal the Circuit Court ruling at the appellate court level. You see when people pay more for a place to live they are less tolerant of scuzzy loud music scenes and this is the legacy of the Double Door and sleaze music scene in Chicago and elsewhere as the vast majority of people would never step into a rat hole that was the Double Door.
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