Jame Corbett and Sibel edmonds blast the US for Turkish coup and says another NATO lead one will occur soon

Carl Olsen
   Sibel Edmonds was on James Corbett tot alk about the abortive coup against the Turkish president Recip tayipp Erdogan and again put blame at the feet of the United states of America. Did Erdogan allow it to happen in order to further cement his control on the rebound? Or was this merely a trial run for the real CIA/NATO/Gulenist coup yet to come? And what role do the Turkish people play in all of this? The Turkish coup was allowed to proceed by an authoritarian leader that is Erdogan who wants to be the Turkish Putin and now he has the excuse to purge his military and courts of the people he didn't trust or consider Islamicist enough in this Turkish Civil war between secular and radical Muslims. These two clowns blame every internal problem in Turkey on US involvement but the Turkish coup may be more of a French lead response to the  Edmonds and Corbett are tow prolific writers under the dolls of Sunni global order that funds these networks and lobby's for more power in the radical Sunni world whether it is battling Jewish or Shiite interests in the region. The United States had nothing to do with his coup attempt and instead it was done by Turkish secular patriots concerned about the direction religious extremism is taking this Europeanized region. Recep Tayipp Erdogan wants tor reverse all the societal and stage gains of Turkey under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk reformed these once barbaric lands bringing about a bit of civility after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the extreme cruelty of Islam had for generations in this bridge between continents.  Erdogan is desperate to hold on to power taking over the presidency when his tenure as Prime Minister ran out and then attempted to consolidate his power by giving more constitutional powers to the Turkish presidency over the PM position. Erdogan is another Hitler and is preparing for the final solution to the Kurdish and Turkoman problem in Turkey with a dramatic uptick of warfare in Turkey against the Kurds and the non-religious in Turkey who often politically ally with the Kurds.

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