Money Speak
Tony Miselli
Jean Chatsky is a financial writer that writes the most mundane stupid shit about money and happiness. During the height of the financial crisis Jean Chatzkey did a 180 and tried to down play the importance of having money and having bills paid in a timely manner as important for your mood. Perhaps she was feeling the heat for years of writing about unmanageable and unrealistic money growth and how following the markets and buying stocks was the way to financial freedom. For many people following this advice opened up their asses to financial ruin as money management companies found manipulative ways to pick your pockets.

They would not have had the ability or ease without the constant nagging of the importance of investing your money in the markets coming from these awful financial writers of misinformation. Jean Chatzky was among the hundreds of well-known financial writers and her book called "You Don't have To Be Rich" is a checklist of the important things in life that do not have to be complicated by thoughts of money. I would once like to see a woman writer on financial information be truthful and say that the reason the country is in debt is because suburban White women cannot manage their money are think they are entitled to buying stuff they don't have the dough. Debt is what makes this economy run and as the bubble gets unmanageable financial ruin is the result for so many. Instead you have books like this where Jean tells readers to get rid of clutter and file your papers better.

The security of Americans has been jeopardized by the privatization of employers pensions away form government and the move towards 401 k which gives more power to these private financial companies and more ways for them to take advantages of stock management killing peoples retirements on an investment hunch. The biggest disaster was taking away governments role of assuring pensions as ahhh they would assure your money in a bank and deposits. This taking away of the power of regulation form the government has allowed the private industries to tank the economies on their whim. Writers like Jean Chatzky want to get the public thinking that ups and downs of your retirement savings are normal and should not be that alarming and we need to be nice sheep and allow the financial fraudsters to dip into our savings and skim much of it at times of necessary emergency of the economy as their high-roller lifestyle is jeopardized. the goal to financial happiness is to know you are able to keep and hold on to all the money years of your hard work earned and not have some shitheads in suits tell you to put it here and then see your account drain the next year in half.
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