Neal Knight
Ulta Beauty's growth and the demand for women in constantly buying bath and facial products was evident in the utterly contemptible and disgusting salary CEO Mary Dillon received for her hard work. This woman was paid 18.5 million according to a filing by the securities and exchange commission. The company is one of the most gender discriminatory businesses out there and is based outside of Chicago which means it has a steady source of stock buy-back options which is primarily the reason its stock prices always seem to grow.

Ulta plans on opening up one hundred stores around the country despite the fact that brick and mortar stores are declining and Mary Dillon says the secret to her companies success is bringing beauty (and getting investors to support women products) out onto the world and giving people a chance to discover it. Ulta is a darling and allowed outlets with government and private aid because it suits their agenda and plays an increase with the feminization of American culture. Mary Dillon is rewarded so highly because the corporate agenda wants to have women dreaming by highlighting suppose economic successes of women such as Mary and keep promoting the importance and ideas that a life without mass consumption and steadily supplying ones credit card with purchases and debt is a life not worth living. a life where the husband does nothing but keep the kids entertained is also the life that is being hoped for by the corporate class as male consumers are unpredictable and not so dam loyal to a fucking brand and name

The company paying one person and tripling her money shows the wild abuse of the corporate world and in this case gender favoritism for the health and beauty industry is a practicality by those forces wanting to change the economic balances of gender in this country and roles of women and women. indeed Mary Dillon's husband is a chattel slave stay at home father and this is the dream of many people in the country hoping to reverse the fortunes of men in the economy by focusing on industry and giving a helping hand to women owned business. Leigh Gallagher is one of our favorite writers and during a questionnaire with this over-paid asshole Mary Dillon (Yes they can be too)Leigh Gallagher asked how many women in the audience also had beta male husbands staying at home taking care of the kids while they wine and dine company profits on entertainment. Leigh said that nearly half of the women raised their hands in the audience and pretty much this sums up the new cultural and economic desires of the elites that would reward a Chief Executive Officer with base NBA athlete salary.
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