Michael Gerson a free trade jagoff who fears Donald Trump's trade policies

   Leonardo McGregor
   Michael Gerson is at it gain attacking Donald Trumps trade policies and is upset the republican Party has a candidate that is against the Trans pacific free trade act. Gerson is a pinhead shithead, fuckhead writer of the establishment secured in his career and job writing for the one percent. of course a cock breath dude like him main stickling point of contention against Donald Trump would be the possibility of tariffs. Gerson said prices would rise for these same trump supporters for products they buy at Home Depot and Wal-Mart and with this assertion Michael Gerson shows he supports the current status quo which benefits Mexico and China regardless of the few bucks in savings American may enjoy in buying a fucking two year disposable toaster instead of a hardy American made one with care would last twenty years. Gerson is on his own print crusade against Donald Trump likely being backed b big oil or big technology desperate to keep a system that has financially rewarded their class. You see in Gerson's mind and economy constant shipping is the global order and necessity financially more improving the foreign Chin-Mex middle men and their American business cronies than the American middle class. A middle class by the way which has seen their wages decline ,jobs disappear, and inequality dramatically increase since these trade policies were enacted and the service economy of  the" Home Mart" expanded destroying Main Street at the benefit of Wall Street. Michael Gerson and his ilk need not have a print media voice and should be careful as to so e would consider traitors like him deserving to be lined up to  a wall like they do to these "journalists ' in Russia and elsewhere.
   Gerson fears the direction of the country,the Bernie bros, and the shift into thinking as Trump supporters take back their party from the likes of a Michael Gerson who want to protect assets and trade with scrupulous (and undemocratic) foreigners who have upended the trade system to corrupt and benefit themselves. Gerson was a prick and a part of the Bush administration and pushed for this economic plans for Americans having influence in foreign lands through the use of capitalism but now it has become where foreign dollars have corrupted and influenced our politicians and apparently dickwad dudes like Michael Gerson himself whose loyalty is to the dollar more so than the nation and fellow citizens. 

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