Troy York
Part World history part financial advising for precisous metals this book pretty much accuses the federal reserve and the banking class as the modern day barbarians and destroyers of jobs and people protective government regulations. Sandy Franks and Sara Nunnally bring a book talking about the financial robber Barron and how todays investors need to tread carefully in todays environment. The authors give a quick synopsis on the history of greed from Roman times and how this tradition of power has continued to modern times with todays bankers and financial swindlers replacing the barbarian hoards of antiquity. Franks and Nunnally recall the great pillagers of the past --Goths,Vikings,Huns, and Mongols-- and how Wall Street fiends acts in much the same manner in theft and the motivation to profit through the fraud and wealth extraction of others.

They talked about the creation of the ban of America and how strong the resistance was in America to the creation of a national bank whose power was very feared and abuse predicted with the control and perspicacious actions that could be gained by those who decide when and where to print paper money. Franks describes the explosion of banks and how failures wiped clean many peoples lifesaving nd hence the compassion to Viking and Hunnish raids on peoples properties is established throughout this book.

Credit ratings and the ability of Moody's Investors services being as dangerous for a country a American bombing is also explored by these financial writers. the way Wall Street and their political cronies establish laws and orders helping these financial fraudulent risk-takers to destroy our economies and then rewarding their disastrous actions with bail outs has been as egregious as any barbarian invasion throughout history and this is the fact these two women want to inform to the reader and that many basic foreign policy moves and decisions are calculated with this in affect.

The book also goes into the ties of Washington and Wall Street and how basically the banks got their people into offices and lobbyist groups repealing regulation on their ability to gamble with deposits. the second half of the book is another recall of the 2008 crisis and how the creation of the federal reserve and money in politics lead up to the financial ruin and how this process has been played out and repeated prior in history. Franks and Nunnally are great writers who basically tell it like it is how rich people use the fed to give themselves o percent interest rate on their massive debt and total control of banks and credit for themselves and two basically they have used this power to stick in to middle American and main street. There is a reason why all the rich areas are on the coast and in a few elite cities cities in America, especially with those with ties to India and China who are well on their way with a partition of America has brutal as it was for Poland.
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