Guy Baldwin
Rick Reilly is the most hated sports writer in America mostly by other young sports writers who know they can never be Rick Reilly. These sports bros look out at the sports media and scape and know that few of them will ever reach the level of notoriety and achievement of a Rick Reilly so basically they hate him. Tom Ley of wishes he can be as big as Rick Reilly.

These guys critique his writings and the fact that ESPN. has decided to pay him some three million dollars a year which is in the same category as some of their athlete heroes these men worship. it boils the brain of a Greg Sussman at that Rick Reilly has a back page monthly article in his beloved ESPN and he wants to see young writers like himself and not some old drool like Rick Reilly.

Much of the hatred against a Rick Reilly is age-related and the fact this man has been able to have such a long sports writing career taking positions from sports bras like themselves. We have bashed rick Reilly in the past along with the other three or two prick Ricks in Rick Telander and Rick Morrissey because it is a bit but these young A holes just hate the fact that guys and Telander and Reilly are not one of them. A Jason McIntyre at the Big lead analyzes his tweets because he thinks Rick Reilly is a twat for Reilly is not a young twat like himself.

Some of these guys even question why a rick Reilly has t tweet because he is not that generation which started in social media. This is like saying why these morons even sports write because they were not around when newspapers and sports coverage started to get serious. these old sports writers like Rick Reilly and Telander are going no where so these young lions, who will never be as famous in sports writing world, will just have to deal with older writers criticizing the cheapness of a Tiger Woods or other observations on their favorite athletes because unlike players older writers can continue in the field and this is what has all the Rick Reilly haters
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