The sick Yemen practice of child brides

Andy Cruz
   Yemen is a sick Muslim country whose men war all of the time and chew the narcotic leaf khat. Yemen though has an advantage of the western democracies in that as a breeding nation women have no rights and in fact are sold off to the highest bidder at a young age. families say they have little choice as they face war, poverty, and desperate times and this is the excuse for so many of their older loser sons acquiring little girls for wives.  In Yemen these khat-chewing bastards sell of young daughters as old at 12 or 13 to men in their thirties who pay a drowery as child marriage had long been woven into the social fabric of rural backwater places in Yemen. International and local activists were on their way of ending tis ancient and barbaric practice of perpetual chattel like conditions for women in Yemen before a civil war erupted last year and now the practice has returned with full force. Young girls as young as eight years of age are routinely sold to forty year old men and increasingly these misogynist families and their culture is looking at their daughters as a source of income. Yemen is one of these countries constantly getting free food, medicine, and other assistance but little is done to ending the population growth which is the source of the mass poverty of Yemenites. when you are marrying off your daughters at a young age it breeds the stock more in a perpetual cycle of poverty and child breeding and basically aid needs to be stop given to these people until they come to the realization their daughters should not be sold in marriages as some pocket change and jingle for the fathers. Mohammed Ali as-Asnsi says his heart is bleeding having to sell off his two daughters to feed his ten kids -which on paper doesn't make sense. It also doesn't make sense these illiterate backwards rural fucks keep having kids like. you see Muslims really don't want to change this social fabric and do want to sell their daughters force them to be baby breeders instead of college graduates as it gives them power by numbers. you see without educated women it is easier for these men of humble background to have an outlandish opportunity of raising ten kids as women without educational opportunities are less choosey and can't even choose not to have kids in this evil society and only through this tactic and oppression of women as the Isla ic faith been able to claim a billion followers to this day.

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