Islamic state and Taliban attack pakistan lawyers and kill seventy in a bombing

Andy Cruz
  Islamic radical did their usual terrorism this time in their native Pakistan where a suicide bomber attacked a mourning for a slain lawyer made of mainly other lawyers. This attack in Pakistan was a target against secular symbols of state control and government institutions which Islamo-fascists seek to destroy. The militants wanted to send a message to the courts and judges who are handling cases against Islamic militants that they are capable of attacks of this nature all of the time and Pakistan's internal divisions are as evident as ever between the forces that seek sharia law against non-religious state rule. A break away Taliban group claimed responsibility trying to use the same terror and tactics that enabled the country to take over Afghanistan and rule with an iron fist where women were flogged for showing their wrists.pakistan.jpg the brutality of the Islamicists  in their region is the greatest danger the world faces as Taliban rule and the goal of Muslim terrorism exportation to all lands with a heavy presence of Muslims is their insane objective. A whole generation of educated lawyers were wiped out in this brazen attack and government officials in Pakistan need to take serious the threat these insurgents pose to the second largest Muslim country. lawyers and civil servants need to be smarter though in this Southwestern region of Pakistan where militants look for large gatherings of the establishment and civil society to attack in their declared war of extermination against all forms of secular non-extremist existence in this area. ISIS has claimed this attack in Quetta which killed over seventy lawyers and continues their drive for an Islamic radical empire greater in size than the forces of Genghis Khan and the Mongols.
A week earlier, another lawyer was fatally shot. In June, the principal of the province's law college was, too. The Taliban countered this notion of an Islamic state and said their boys planned and did this wanting an religious fundamentalist union of scholars who can recite the Koran inside and out even memorizing it backwards.
A generation of lawyers has been wiped out in Quetta, and it will leave Baluchistan, in more ways than one, lawless. 
On Tuesday, the Pakistani bar association called for an indefinite boycott of the courts. But so few lawyers are left in Baluchistan that it will be years, probably, until its legal community recovers.
The global response has been muted. Ban Ki-moon, Hillary Clinton and other international figures issued brief statements. Hillary Clinton and the corrupt pro-terrorist institution can barely even look at the disaster of Muslim radicals and can't even declare the term radical Islam.  Pakistan's leaders did much the same. No officials have been held responsible for the security breakdown at what should have been a highly guarded scene. This terrorist attack is just one of many that daily occur around the world only getting press coverage when it is upon the West but clearly should be seen as a victory by the forces that seek to expand terror networks for their causes of a fascist religious order of extremism and oppression the world has not seen since the dawn of the evil of the coming of Mohammed in 632.

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