Khzir Khan and his son served the interests of oil monarchs and not the American people

Andy Cruz
   Khzir khan is a immigration advocate big wig responsible for having so many Muslims chain migrating after looting their own national government s and safely residing in the United states tax haven. His son joined the military and sacrificed himself doe the sharia rule of Saudi Arabia while serving the American military complex set up to protect the assets of wealthy Saudi Arabians from plunder of their fellow Muslims. Donald Trump lamblasted him as Mr Khan tore mr Trump during the Democratic National convention and as expected Donald trump shot back into this son of a bitch and received the criticism from the left for standing his ground. you see when it comes to the protected minorities the left don't like a politician standing their ground and showing some toughness and criticism back towards the loud critics in politics. Mr Khan's son joined the military as many Muslims do to stealthy get into the system and serve the interests of their religion with their advocacy policies  and eventual takeover of the military and society they had in planning the Obama presidency. trump called the autocratic family male privilege where only the male speaks and the woman are happily regulated to third class status behind the family dog or camel. Again the left refuses to see the validity in this innate aspect of the Khzir Khan talking about his sacrifice and the loss of his son in fighting for the Saudi monarch and big money while serving as a member of the United States military. If anyone thinks a killer Khan's son was serving the people of the United States they are sadly mistaken and just plain foolish into believing and buying into their mind. 

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