Guy Baldwin
Martellus and Michael Bennett are two loud-mouth Black footballers jealous of the lucrative contracts and notoriety that quarterbacks bring for the game of collision ball. This stupid American fall pastime is a tribute to the over-sized jagoffs in this country whose mouths are as big as their egos. The two Bennett brothers talked trash to ESPN about a variety of National Football Players most of whom were White and as usual these guys were very critical and open. Basically the Bennett brothers are two large apemen lucky that football has such a conscience for now in this country and they can make a living and be have media showcases for their arrogance and smart ass nature. The Bennett clowns could only thrive in a violent crazy sport as American collision ball as their only talent is accumulating mass and just being at the right spot to make a take down or catch a ball. these arrogant pricks also want more money and have bashed their own union because they are not has highly paid as the NBA player association who have rosters of twelve spots and play five ties the amount of games than the NFL players.
Without the high talent of the games throwers these guys would not have an opportunity on a field as fans only care about the quarterbacks and big offensive plays a quarterback is capable along with his receivers. Large tackle dummies like Michael Bennett bring nothing except opportunities to take out these stars of the game. The ignorance of these two Black football players is startling nd I imagine typical of the NFL player. The Bennett's are just lucky that this country pastime is not Australian Football or rugby as they would have little opportunity of playing a sport where constant moving is a requirement. You will never see men of the girth and bulk play Aussie football ,rugby, soccer or even be available to join special forces and military units of that nature. These are just clogs in life and likely have some in their brains as the Bennett brothers illustrate whenever they speak in front of a camera.

The Bennett brothers are psychotic extroverts who would most likely be involved in criminal activity or a drug gang were it not for the corporate need to funnel money from real workers in the economy and projecting towards loud assholes like the Bennetts. These guys dissed jay Cutler and other son national TV and are proud of their brash openness and stupidity mocking other players of the game because these two black brothers are green with jealousy over the tie given to other athletes. The Bennett brothers appearance on ESPN showed the true nature of these cocky ballers in this sport and what real little cultural advantages this sport and athletes like them bring for the public is amazingly so rewarded by this distorted economy. Martellus Bonnet earned a suspension one season playing for the most submissive coach in NFL history with the Bears because he was mouthy and couldn't get along with any of the other players.
Cutler may have indeed avoided throwing to this jackass because of his personality and for that Jay should be thanked and the power these quarterbacks have in the game is something these jerks have issues with thinking of themselves in the highest possible way because of the glory given in high school. the Bennett brothers are not funny or witty just the usual bullshit dialogue and reckless attitudes that one would find in many ahhhh inner city hoods with total disrespect for others and an easy nature to dislike people they feel they are better. The brothers say coissioner Roger Goodell is the most over-paid man in football but one would argue it is worthless shitless position players that these guys play and bring little to the table that really is the over-paid and wasteful in sports and not woth their price in one ticket.

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