Nicole Hong feels better after writing article bashing men's cargo shorts as she wears brown yoga pants

Bradly Austin
   The men on war and what men prefer to wear saw another on-line article this time by the huge Wall Street Journal and writer Nicole Hong. She wrote a piece about how cargo shorts are so out of fashion and men over twenty one years of age should be embarrassed to be seen in public with these shorts that women just can't seem to understand. Women will never understand cargo sorts because they wear heel shoes and walk around with expensive purses dreaming they are members of a royal family and the elite class.  Men's preferences have always been under attack by the feminine fashion industry long hating of blue-collar and working men mocking them with any opportunity and the critics of cargo shorts is just one of many examples. Nicole Hong wrote on how wives often take these cargo shorts and get rid of it for their husbands own sakes and one must wonder if men did the same with women's stupid fashion loves of flip flops and strap tops how quickly they would feel alienated. many men love cargo shorts and will continue to wear it regardless of what the liberals and homo fashionistas say about them. many members of the Left hark have written about men and their silly summer time shorts just showing their ignorance and conformity wishes to their beliefs and attitudes. In a way heterosexual men are to blame for this criticism for pretty much giving up the fashion industry to gays and women through the years and allowing these idiots to declare what is in style and what is not.
   Nicole Hong in her article goes on to mention some relationships and how cargo shorts has affected the relationships. The stories of Jen Anderson and how she treated her husbands decision of his own unique tastes and fashion preferences shows the mean-spirited nature of women and their feelings towards men by trying to control what they wear. Nicole Hong and other women celebrate this cultural empowerment of women in recent years controlling the decisions and minds of many men scared of what their mates demand in what they wear and men that relent should have their manhood tested and see if it still exists. I have to ponder and wonder why all the hate against cargo shorts and then it dawned on me that the hate is really not on the shorts but on heterosexual males that enjoy wearing these articles of clothing and this is really what drives the liberal fashion police nuts.  One can be assured there are stupid clothing items in Nicole's wardrobe and countless other woman across the country wearing fashion that men find tasteless and a joke but rarely will one come across a article about these items women shouldn't be wearing aside from the high-heel which is absolutely ridiculous an d is just a sign to clueless women they will always be smaller and weaker sex. That so many women like Nicole Hong feel better by trying to mock men's cargo shorts and willingness to wear these great clothing items is just a pathetic voice of some weird gender baiting by loud-mouth women trying to manipulate and limit men's fashion options and choices.

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