Ned Baily
Rod Blagojevich was turned down for an early dismissal from his fourteen year service in hard knocks and at a federal penitentiary for his crimes of political corruption. any people on social media and in the area were trying to make a case for Rod to be released sooner than his sentence was served and many were expecting that this turkey would get a monopoly -type car of get out of jail. It was not to be done as judge James Zagal stopped rod Blagojevich after twenty minutes if delirious ramblings on why he should get a pardon after some appeals court through out some counts of this once great count of Illinois.

Rod Blagojevich as stunned that this judge didn't want to hear his somber pleas and the White-haired Rod sulk back in his seat disappointed his reality TV and business political reporting career has been put on hold. Rod was not even in court but on a telepronmter or something like that with a live video feed and upon seeing his drawing I think rod would make a good comic strip. Rod is thriving in prison and is supposedly a model prisoner often taking time out to coach both the prison's basketball and kickball. The guy is both a joke and a clown and said something about turning back the clock and wishing to do things differently being a better governor for the people of Illinois. Rod has about as much chance of ever being released early than one day running for swimming board member in Kokomo, Indiana.

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