Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett love Turkish tension with the West and hope for the day Turkey is no longer a strong ally in the region for the United States. The two talking pieces for Russian state TV often talk about the evils of NATO and how their policies are pushing poor mother Russia towards war.
Internet propagandists like Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett long for the day there is another Iran and America loses some important key strategic international partner against the eastern empire based in Moscow which irrefutably these two are financially backed to comment and make appearances on others programs. Anything that hurts Americas power and prestige is readily looked forward to and the hope of these two nimrods is that somehow Turkey breaks its longstanding relationship and alliances with America and moves away from the East. anybody who makes a pact with America is a puppet in the minds of Sibel and James who only concentrate their eyes on Us misgivings around the world and ignore the fact that Russia has caused much turmoil using their military to intimidate their neighbors and enemies.
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