Alex Tspiras and other Greeks recently remembered the Greek genocide in Asia minor where Muslims basically ethnically cleansed the area froe of Greeks and other Christian communities through the centuries. Just as Turks celebrated the capture and anniversary date of Constantinople falling to the Muslim Turks hoards people in the Balkan area need to remember the dates of when the Turkish genocidal yoke was overthrown. Tsipras came to Bratislava for an economic forum andwarned the EU that a more processed migration screening needs to be put in effect and that Greeks and other Europeans run the risk of being overrun as what was once encountered in Asian Minor man many moons ago. Young Greeks are the victim on this new type of monetary genocide that threatens their futures and jeopardizes their existence as an independent people just so some fat cats in Brussels can have sleeker jets and accumulate more resort villas all over Europe.
And in forthright comments Mr Tsipras said: “Europe needs a new vision and a concrete agenda for change. We need a social Europe, with growth and prosperity for everyone. He was particularly taking about how the North should not use the EU to keep the Medittearrean nations weak and reliant on debt-crushing loans with interest rates and payments that are not sustainable leading to constant economic decline for the people.
"We need a Europe that can manage migration effectively and in a humane way. It should not continue sleepwalking in the wrong direction.” the wrong direction is an EU climate being run for the world financers whose demand for reform is the ulterior motivation of lending out loans to countries they know will have difficulty paying back so they can use for more leverage and sell off of state assets that the international investor class can further financially benefit and empower themselves. Tsipras should just tell these Central bankers from Germany to screw off but obviously he fears for his own personal safety and that of his countrymen should Greece just take a hard line and totally refuse to make these reforms and sell off of some public assets.
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