Clark Kramer
Jim Hightower is a shill for Hillary Clinton and came on his little listened to three minute corporate radio message that is played on numerous radio stations throughout the country.
he went on to repeat the usual lines about Donald Trump how he is not for the working class because in order to be competitive he too did what all clothing business companies were doing in the nineties and producing their clothing line in Asia. Jim Hightower bashed Donald Trump about his treatment of certain contractors that Donald Trump was not pleased and short-changed and I don't know if Jim Hightower has ever experienced a bad contractor but the fact is there are many out there and High \tower doesn't have all of the facts or stores on why a Trump may of decided to stiff these people.

Mr Hightower says Donald Trump is no populist but the fact is Donald Trump is and he has inspired many people to get into politics and start paying hard attention to these trade-deals that were allowed as much of the country was watching Seinfeld and Friends. Jim Hightower just does not like the idea that a Donald trump is what it took for America to start paying attention and the bottom line it doesn't matter what taxes Donald Trump paid as he didn't' set up the tax system which favors the rich and this would of been the Clintoncrats. Jim Hightower also mentions in his little three minute attack on Trump how he was originally for the Iraq war and now comes out against it and again this is not an issued what a private citizen, which Donald Trump was in 2002, feels or thinks about the war and having freedom to support or hold grievances against this great war is what we have .

Somebody should tell Mr Hightower to get off his bubble tower and realize many people still support this war and that we should of kept troops in Iraq and not let them out which the Obama administration allowed to try to turn the tide of the war. Those against the Iraq war likely wish to see another of America's enemies and instable world leaders like Saddam Hussein still in power and increasing their nuclear weapons capability by the day much like I'm Jung In and North Korea. This is the real disappointment of these extreme liberals such as Hightower. The liberal left class in America that Hightower is a mouthpiece for that North Korea is coming closer and closer to having nukes to threaten the world as much as it oppressive and threatens the folks in North Korea on a daily basis. The left like this crazed Texan Hightower is so angered that the Iraq war prevented another pariah nuclear state to develop in Iraq and long for the days of a Saddam having the same missile testing and experimenting as a Kim Jung In
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