Three Sharks attacked three people in three hours in Florida this past week showing again the dangers and perils surfers put themselves in harms way to entertain random strangers at beaches needing the scene of men gliding on water. Three people suffered shark bites in less than three hours at New Smyrna Beach in Florida on Sunday.
The beach lived up to its name as the "shark bite capital of the world," when three people were bitten by sharks in a spree that started shortly before 11 a.m. many of these middle aged men who suffered the shark attacks suffer from what I can the Show Me complex syndrome. Much like the decked out highway biker who needs to have a Harley and cries out for human eyes and attention other middle aged men seek other alternatives for the need to be seen. For surfers it is getting on a board and riding the waves ahhh much like a redneck needs a big truck with a flag and other men need leather, a vest, and a big hog.
The first attack, on a 43-year-old man from Longwood, occurred at 10:40 a.m. ET, according to NBC, who spoke to Senior Capt. Tamra Marris of the Volusia County Beach Safety Ocean Rescue agency. The man was bitten on his lower leg/ankle area while surfing. According to reports from first responders he said the shark was either blue or gray and that his bite hurt a fucking lot. The next attack took place just under a half-hour later, when a 36-year-old Miami man was bitten on the hand, also while surfing. Both of the men were dealt "significant lacerations," but are expected to survive, Morris said.

Then, at about 1 p.m., a 16-year-boy was bitten while surfing, though the injury to his thigh was minor and he didn't require hospitalization. Ok the deal here is that Florida waters should belong to this big hungry fish often on the prowl for smaller fish or seals. Humans needing to paddle on a board for entertainment and a need to feel special is the underlining cause of these attacks and it continues to give sharks a bad name and until something is done to ban or stop surfing in shark infested waters this will just continue and communities need to fine the shit out of folks surfing in these waters and persuade them to move onto another hobby which will give them the extreme attention they seek of others.
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