Mark Zuckerberg told to follow another Playbook and not allowed to demolish neighboring homes

Zachary Zuckerberg
    The Silicon Valley feudal king Mark Zuckerberg, my brother, has just got the city of Palo Alto to issue a decree that his new castle cannot be built. mark Zuckerberg treasures privacy for himself and not others and he had used the massive funding of investors onto his bad social media website into buying all his neighbors housing. Markie wanted to build a huge Facebook compound where n o one would be able to peer inside and perhaps he had plans of inviting Subway spokesman and buddy Jared Fogle over for a night of playing Candyland. Zuckerberg had bout the four homes for thirty million dollars as he learned that a developer had bought property and had plans of building a home as tall as his that would of exposed his master bedroom to the new homes. Image result for mark zuckerberg neighbor hoes boughtPalo Alto rightfully called Zuckerberg's plans of demolishing the homes and putting smaller homes around his house as an attempt to create a compound. Zuckerberg was trying to skirt around the issue of boundaries of these homes for future potential homeowners and wanted to level a bunch of trees an d take out the swimming pools of these new properties, but mark ran into a problem as his proposal was bounced at a meeting of the zoning board. Palo Alto isn't keen on the idea of getting rid of good housing stock because my brother isn't hip to the idea of others living next door. Mark is a it unsettled as he does not like a higher power telling him he can't build something and trust me as a kid he was always use to getting his way, except for the numerous bullies that beat and poked him daily. Mark had to keep face and follow the rules and what the city says is in the legal books. he may not like it as he is always the one calling the shots and writing the new rules for Facebook.Image result for mark zuckerberg neighbor homes

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