Which place would Jimmy Hopkins prefer Dragon's Wing or Gaming Goat

Lionel Wagner
   Gaming Goat is that awesome board and card game shop where many members of the Left shark hang out and drink and play some Ouija board in the middle of the night. Many of thehese game board stores give special hours and perks to some of their devoted customers and we have gone many times to play some Warcraft, Dungeon and Dragons, and pin the tail on a Bear. This game shop kicks ass and I recommend this place for all males under twenty in the Wheaton Glen Ellyn area. gaming Goat is the type of place jimmy Hopkins would hang out if he was actually a real person and not a video game playbot. Jimmy Hopkins stars in that great game called Bully where basically the whole plot is to beat up as any people as you can in competition and quest play.  Whenever I walk into a gaming Goat I feel like I am in the Dragon's Wing cyber spot in this Bully video game where Jimmy would often go in and just relive himself beating up some nerds. Bully is like the most incredible video game ever and the rebellious attitude and total disregard and disrespect a jimmy Hopkins has for humanity is admirable. Gaming goat does its best to delineate these game stores that I thought only existed in video games or select big-time college towns. Image result for jimmy hopkins dragon store bullyMore and more of these teen male places of operations at opening up and this is good as male teens need an outlet to get away from the world and girls for a few hours and have a "coffee house" experience of gender bonding and bashing of the opposite in debate of politics between rounds of Glowfly. This brings up the question though which is a cooler place Dragon's Wing or Gaming Goat to hang out. I would say dragon's Wing because it was the hangout of Jimmy Hopkins and was the place where you see more action and breakage and destruction while the Gaming Goat can be a bit dull at times.
Image result for jimmy hopkins dragon store

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