Garry Treudeu would rather parady poltics then actually work on improving it and will miss Donald Trump after election loss

Arnold Buckley
  Comic artist legend Gary Treudeu is worried about a Donald Trump presidency and the ability of Donald Trump to wage was and be leader of f the free world. Garry Trudeau has written the Doonsbury comic strip for thirty year and has seen political demagogues through his precise observations of how politics and suppose democracy works, but the rise of Donald trump startles Mr  Trudeau who had been drawing about a Donald Trump running for president since 1987.  Garry wonders if civilization would even survive the rule of a madman like Donald Trump and his extreme desire for attention and that the world has not faced a danger with one man has a leader of a country since Adolf Hitler in 1933. Trudeau does not waste one dram of the comedic potential of the thin-skinned, self-regarding, self-unaware blowhard alleged billionaire who is now in the running to gain control of the world's largest nuclear arsenal. Image result for garry trudeauGarry has seen this egomaniac at work in the eighties and his speculation that this would eventually lead itself into a run for the presidency was no surprise. Garry just wondered why he hadn't done it earlier and the instability of the mental prowess of Donald trump at this late age of his brain really concerns the comedic comic master. Garry likely saw the numerous Donald trump interviews with masters of dialogue and interview through the years as Trump made countless appearances in New York media programming of big mouth big-wigs like Howard Stern and David Letterman always hinting at making a political run. Every four years, Trump has postured about a presidential run, and every four years, Trudeau pricked his bubble. I am sure secretly Gary T loves the idea that a Donald Trump being a buffoon as writing about Donald Trump is more easier than say Jeb, George, or Jo Jo Bush, We too have been mentioning and parodying a Donald Trump in for perhaps eight years as the concept of Donald Trump running and being president was as amusing than say ahhh Jesse Jackson of operation Push racial identity and big business extortion racket.  Now, it's up to all of us. Image result for donald trumpBut Trudeau hasn't abandoned us: the 2015 strips show us that Trump has physical comedy potential to meet-and-beat rubberfaced comedians like Jim Carrey -- Trudeau's pen transforms him into a medusa-coiffed low-budget Rodney Dangerfield with a wicked case of Dunning-Kruger and a shitty attitude.  Donald trump is a combination of a Rodney Dangerfield and Freddy Kruger who is both hilarious and scary at the same time and I am sure many times Garry's nervous twidery  while drawing wasted many a paper for one Donald Trump comic. There have been many election-season caricatures of Trump, but Trudeau's been doing this for 30 years. He's practically the court artist of Castle Trump, and no one can beat him (not even Trump, whose capacity for self-parody can't be overstated). Perhaps Garry Treudeau should enter politics if he is such a critic and expert on what is wrong with it. No one will miss Donald trump more when he is gone than this comic artist whose work is always praised buy very boring and unentertainingImage result for garry trudeau donald trump strip

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