Max Keiser blasts Mark Zuckerberg a for pushing the unconsciousness Virtual unreality envelope for mankind

Zachary Zuckerberg
   Max Keiser blasted my brother Mark Zuckerberg recently as a man who seeks to profit and replace the reality with virtual reality and the process the FaceBook founder is trying to go forward with a trans-human experience based on warping of the mind to not even think of reality. The collective unreality unconsciousness if a goal of Mark Zuckerberg as max keiser told his beautiful wife Stacy Herbert. Image result for max keiser and stacy facebookBrother Mark does seek to have people glued to Oculus virtual reality and become in a zombie state of unreal settings and experiences not much unlike the advent of television has produced so many couch potatoes and the subliminal zombie state of braindead people on VR just getting advertising jingles is a society that Mark Zuckerberg seeks according to Max Keiser. Mark just wants to make some extra jingle form new hardware and if people are dumb enough to become addicted to Oculus and it becomes a natural 24 7 habit and addiction as ahhh one would say cigarettes then let it be so.Image result for mark zuckerberg oculus mark wants everyone to be like Mike and be able to have the experience of ahhh a Michael Jordon and be an NBA player baller in a virtual reality-type video game or something ahh to that affect. Max keiser just needs to shut his trap hole and allow the free market become the free market. Keiser worries about the power of Facebook creating this new world order of a collective unconsciousness taking off in an alternative universe that is outside of the consciousness of humanity as the resource extractors scorch the Earth for their excuse to take in billions without any resistance form the asses pretending they are not on Earth. it really is a clever ingenious idea to make all citizens and folk modern day indigenous people replaced by the technocrats and melded and breed like a mule or workhorse to serve the kleptocrats needs.  Image result for mark zuckerberg oculus

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