Professor Wendy Warren still thinking of colonial America's minute slave holding experience

  Wally Jackson
Wendy Warren is a radical professor and has researched as much as she coud of new England early America slavery pertaining to the Native American and African's imported who were bought and shipped from the west coast of Africa. The slave obsessed leftists today want to constantly remind this country that we had an institution that al empires and countries have had at one tie or another. Wendy shows hos slavery was inexorably linked to the early founding of the thirteen colonies although it was nothing even remotely on par with the slavery carried out in the West Indies. of course bashing the modern British and French republics today over the issue of New World Slavery brings it no propaganda purpose and basically slavery was small and ended shortly before the revolution. Slavery indeed was small in New England and Wendy Warren makes a bigger deal out of slavery in this region than she needs to in her new book called "New England Bound". Most new England slaves were domestic slaves and not the large plantation of the world trade profiteer.
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This book concentrates on the small former and early institutions of slavery and indentured servitude in new England as well as the selling off of captured and hostile Indians in time of warfare, which incidentally is not an American monopoly and is something one finds very common in history. The taking of slaves is even going on today in warfare in Syria and Iraq as thousands of Yazidi girls have been taken by force as sex slaves by members of the Islamic State. Wendy Warren is a Elizabeth Warren wanabee and no one cares about slavery in New England as they care about slavery of the Celts in old England and the only reason this woman wrote this book is to perpetuate modern day racial identity politics. Wendy warren tough wants to bash America region by region and her slavery focus and reminder for her writings begins in New England. professor warren should know as a historian that without the global enterprises of the Anglo-American world slavery would still exist as it was the Anglo countries that helped rid the world of this institution although I still think this transition of slavery's ending is only temporary and eventually real slavery as was practiced in the Caribbean and in the Medittearrean under Roman days will eventually return. perhaps professors like weedy Wendy  Warren will be the first profession that returns to slavery and where editors can have greater control of the teachers and misleaders of history who use history for modern day attacks agianstt states and powers to be for their political beliefs.  Image result for wendy warren author book slavery

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