\The con job of Robert Peterson,Lego Incorporation, and the Left shark

Gerald Jasper
   Some Reno, Nevada student put out a phony picture of a shark diving out of the water and attached corporate Lego name to it and somehow the public is suppose to believe this is a legitimate viral share of a great photo. The con job of this toy manufacture and the internet is obvious to anyone with a operating circuit in a brain and I even wonder if this is really a shark with the amount of bullshit that companies will go out to get their name attached in subliminal advertising. Robert Peterson supposedly is a survivor of a left shark attack and why Lego toys needs mentioning as suppose to say stepping on a tack or a sharp screw makes this one of the most egregious and obvious forms of manipulative advertising. however the news media that is reporting this is giving it a shark tank angle. Here is an example
Since then, Petersen’s original tweet has been retweeted more than 88,000 times and earned 156,000-plus likes. He said he couldn't believe how many notifications he received on his phone as more and more people liked and retweeted his post.
“The pain of stepping on (a Lego brick) is a near universal experience for a lot of us,” Petersen said. “I think the (tweet’s) popularity arises from the fact that people love sharks, and love Lego, so it’s kind of a perfect combination.”. C'mon really. this isn't advertising for this stupid collection of cheap plastic toys.
View image on Twitter Lego along with twitter bought and paid for the tweets,twits, shares, stares, and queers for this suppose viral awesome snapchat and this is about as real of a social media phenomena as a Harambe the gay Gorilla Facebook account.Image result for robert peterson twitter shark Lego is a huge multi-national corporation able to spend on silly stuff and ship plastics from China to make middle men fabulously wealthy from bad cheap toys nothing like toys sixty years ago. this picture is so obviously fake as sharks do not come popping out of the water gasping for air as this fake picture did and this is obviously some jaws=type movie prop this guy set up to make some advertising jingle from this type of new advertising under the guise of popular sharing experiences of individuals on the internet. perhaps an estimated forty percent of twitter accounts are cyber robotic accounts to give people the fantasy that Twitter more popular and valuable of a platform than it really is through the Wold Wide Web This bald geek is full of lego shit,
Rare image of a shark stepping on a Lego.

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