Why david Goldman really fears

Ali Muhammed
   David Goldmen prefers the on-line name of Spengler and the economist and writer focusing on Asian affairs. He  is one of many often  a scared writer of the fall of particular civilizations because women are no longer forced to carry three or more children. Spengler wrote a book called why civilizations die and in his historical research he compares modern societies to the old Spartan and Roman landowners and masters who became too lazy to reproduce and allowed savage neighbors to take over. Spengler gives his universal laws throughout this atrocious book and none of them makes sense. He says shit like democracy only gives people the kind of government they deserve and it seem basically the main objection and disgruntled nature of this man is again women are not at home raising tons of children for a growing population to be expansionist of its military and culture. he brings up how Christians spread throughout North America as they left an increasingly secular and hostile religiously Europe ignoring the fact that their numbers were only able to increase through the massive amounts of cheap resources a practically inhibited continent offered these people. it is easy to afford ten children when you run your own farm and can shoot pigeons out of the sky or get million of pounds of fresh buffalo meat shipped East. Christian civilization would not have grown from Europe circa 1500 without these land masses and their ease of availability  Also Mr Goldman makes is assertions throguhout the book that Iran and the Muslim world will turn into California sex, booze, and rock in hillbilly is absurd Mr Goldman's boo also announces that the Muslim worlds population is in major decline and as a result their civilization will collapse. Spengler or Goldman or whatever seems to feel the human population need to be several billion more than one billion which is a number enough to put massive pressures and sustainability issues on a planet. Someone needs to tell this dipshit that civilizations fall when destructions of habitat through overpopulation and no where in this dumb Jews book is the Mayan civilization brought up. Egypt is consistently poor because the Arabs of all religion in this nation had to many children over and over not having resources to feed them anything aside from wheat and camel milk.Image result for david goldman author Civilizations die because cultures are in competition with one another bringing in fear and war mongering on their neighbors through those who pass off information and indefinably there have been many David Goldman's in civilizations of the past warning of death through lack of procreation. whether Anatolia changes from Greek to Turk to Kurd as he writes about the falling birthrate of say Turks is irrlevent  war fare is caused by idiot policy makers of country and empire of men like David Goldman paranoid about existence of language and culture a millennium down the line where he would be a hundred generations past dead. why David Goldman worries and thinks he can change the decline of any civilization or its members being outbreed by others is puzzling and perhaps deep down inside he most worries of the Jewish state and Israel as the existence of the Jewish faith and the traditions of money lending and hoarding was always more in natural jeopardy than any genocidal maniac dictator. Image result for iran dope smoker

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