Cody Maloney
American psychopath Cody Wilson is writing a book about his goal of creating a by-way to get around regulators and have every American armed to the teeth with a plastic gun. Cody doesn't like that people cant bring guns onto airplanes and was enraged with he department of homeland security putting restrictions for gun travel after terrorists killed three thousand Americans on 9/11 in the year 2001. Cody created a computer model of plastic gun creation and put it out on the internet for all to have the complex plans and molding requirements . Cody Wilson is a sicko I tell you and this technology entrepreneur has been fighting the government for years and details this in an upcoming book soon to be reviewed one day here at the social critics book review club. Cody will insistently decry through this book how the government if preventing him fro profit and trying to prevent people from the right to a firearm. This sick puppy though wants all including the mentally challenged, deranged, and thos judged unfit for gun ownership to be able to have a gun and pretty much to go postal when given the chance. His group called Defense distributed as been in legal proceedings against the government for three years trying to be able to distribute the CAD plans so anyone can print a gun from a 3d printer and Wilson has rightfully been vilified as a modern day Dr Evil. This guy is so sick he actually hurts the gun rights movement with his nonsense and easy availability of people to produce their own Cody Wilson should be in jail as a terrorist but somehow the gun and plastic industry is financing his fight and determination to push the agenda of a wicked wild West to return and making it possible for mentally deranged people such as himself for being ale to bring weaons onboard an airplane and cockpit and grab control of the pilots cock and steering wheel
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