Guest Vincent suggests to free Talk Live hosts Trump build a wall around Chicago and Detroit. We say New Orleans as well

Terry Blue
   There was a shooting at the tourist friendly French Quarter the other day and perhaps New Orleans officials may want to think of starting to build a wall and security check people entering this money-making district from much of the surrounding scum that can make incidents such as what happened the other day a common occurrence.  The royal mounted police state of the city-state of New Orleans were quick to come and clean houseImage result for new orleans shooting The ghetto residents surrounding this district are a time bomb and as of yet there is no motive for this shooting. these shootings are daily occurrence in the black urban ghettos and when they spill out needlessly into tourist districts the subject of Black Lives terrorism is a potential of the shooting committed by Shelvin Gray in New Orleans a few days ago. sooner or leader people are going to learn that a Donald trump Mexican wall could be used within American danger sectors such as the French Quarter and others face from potential of purposely directed Black on Black violence targeting tourist spots. Image result for new orleans shootingNew Orleans is a shithole along with other American cities and evidence always points to one community causing the death and danger. free talk Live libertarian talk show host Iam Freeman and Mark Edge were aghast when a trump supporter guest/friend of theirs made the offhand remark that there should be a wall surrounding Chicago..and Detroit. Freeman and Edge couldn't disagree more thinking liberty is freedom and  the peoples freedom from chaos and disorder should not disrupt the availability of gun ownership from any deranged and disgruntled urban youth with a chip on a shoulder.  Freeman and edge are little concern with the violence of New Orleans and other urban centers and the need for walls to protect tourists and innocent people because these shits live in new Hampshire and there are no Black ghettos folks coming around their neighborhood anytime soon. Besides these two shits hardly ever  go to trendy tourist centers where disgruntled blacks seem to easily find their way at times.Image result for mark edge and ian freeman sooner or later local governments are going to realize that to keep these tourist center cash cows going having a wall of protection from ghetto resident is going to be validated and something similar to what Israel has created to separate the riff rafff from those with honorable and tourist related spending will ultimately need to e constructed and maintained.  Vincent also said that trump should consider a blockade against these sanctuary cities in addition to halting federal funding on these leeches and traitorous population ore welcoming to the illegal invader enemy than fellow American and we here also support a proposal and possible plan to build walls around these cities of sanctuary and danger as Chicago, New Orleans, and Detroit.Image result for create a wall separating new orleans

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