Jeff "The Bozo" Bezos is worried and very perplexed by the victory of a new arch-enemy he has made in the months and week prior to the US election. Bezos had used his financial monopoly and dominance in on-line selling to financially support Hilary Clinton as he rightfully feared the Trump backers and presidential candidate Donald Trump had this son of a gun on their cross hairs. Jeff Bezos and amazon represent the worse of American capitalism and the harassment and surveillance of its America workforce is a national disgrace.
the rivalry and heated exchange through twitter of Bezos and trump occurred as the battle started last December with a series of seemingly unprompted tweets from Trump. “The Washington Post, which loses a fortune, is owned by Jeff Bezos for purposes of keeping taxes down at his no-profit company, Amazon,” Trump wrote. “If Amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag. The Washington Post scam is saving it!” Amazon has been a scrupulous tax-dodging company and one that uses its power as abuse whether against its customers base or its workforce trump will also focus on the tax and anti-trust abuses of amazon and in a rally in Texas two months ago trump warned the plutocrat son of a bitch Bezos that he was coming for him. .
The Republican presidential candidate then told Fox News that Amazon is “getting away with murder tax-wise” and has a “huge antitrust problem because he’s [Bezos] controlling so much”. Trump also has the power to hurt amazon by enacting protectionism policies as the globalist Bezos make his fortune moving shit around and it should come as little surprise why he and other tech giants fought profusely to defeat Donald Trump and a ore pro-American agenda for business and the country. A Jeff Bezos sees the masses of American worker and people in as little regard as he does for the warehouse workers who toil in the warehouse for the stockholding shares of this corporate monster Bezos as they push for a small workforce and efficiency of picking one hundred items in three minutes. However the tweet that shook Bezos in his boots was this..

The @washingtonpost, which loses a fortune, is owned by @JeffBezos for purposes of keeping taxes down at his no profit company, @amazon.
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