Matt Lewis and Bill Scher have decided the elction is over and Donald Trump should not show up on tuesday

Wally Jackson
   Bloginghead TV has a few dorks videocasting  their political discussions and our personal favorite is the one with conservative matt Lewis and liberal Bill Scher. These two like many political pundits are acting like this election race is over and on their last blogginghead Tv they actually discussed where and when it was when Donald Trump lost the election that is to be held Tuesday November eighth. Now whether they were talking about the august 2 election in their minds or the September 13 th election then their discussion may be a different story. The members of the media and even miniscule and inconsequential ones such as Bill Scher and Matt K Lewis want the American public to be bamboozled and think they election outcome has already been determined and this is where the poll obsession comes in. Image result for matt lewis bill scherGuys like Sheer and Lewis don't like Trump and the movement it represents so they along with other  members of the elite global media push voter suppression in the form of the poll racket whose main goal and existence is actual voter suppression from demoralizing the side figured to be wasting time and vote. the purpose of a democracy is the actual voting and not the incessant dialogue and poll number tracking that apparently these homos think Polls were desperately used to keep great Britain a colony and London in the sphere of the transnationalism globalist using various forms of dark money and open borders to achieve economic corruption and dominance through unnecessary trade. Both of these nimrods are desperate to be part of the globalist agenda and trade racket colonization of lands and real estate scam take over of select coastal cities in their sphere of influence and become big time authors. Unfortuneatly their books don't sell and they have a hard time getting corner book stores to accept used copies and not use them to prop up unbalanced end tables. . What is surprising and of the two matt Lewis is most annoying with his sports analogies and incessant belief that this is a theocratic right-wing populace. This is guy like so many obsessed with baseball and sport and he should no better an election is not over until the fat old lady is singing. Bill scher needs a number for a good hair transplant doctor and Matt Lewis needs to get into the broadcasting arena of sports and not have anything to do with political objectives and debate. Image result for matt lewis bill scher

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