Neil Knight
Make no mistake that podcast neuroscientist Sam Harris is not happy that a narcissist man such as Donald Trump became president of the United States. He rightfully stated that Middle America gave a huge middle finger to the media and coastal elites ruling the roost and shocking the shit out of their asses by allowing this businessman to garner enough electoral college votes to become the next president of the United States. He said he saw it coming with the rest of the country getting fed up with the PC and cultural diversity sensitivity of the country and how the left has taken a radical anti-establishment and American view in many of their protests. he says people are fearful of having leaders that do nothing about the hordes of immigrants and unaccompanied children and gang members coming to America from South of the border. People are fed up of leaders that cannot even admit to there being a radical Islamic world wide phenomena and NAZI like movement in Muslim lands to bring death and genocidal actions against those who do not believe as such as they think. Sam Harris said mainstream Americans saw we has a leader in Barack Hussein Obama more worried about offending the worlds billion Muslims by identifying international and domestic terrorism as Muslim radicals than he was worried about seriously identifying the root cause of this faiths hatred disdain for those living in modernity. Throughout the Muslim world the Muslim radicals are killing those who are not radicalized and in the west they are also killing people from time to time even including their very own daughters who commit some minor outraged the family finds intolerable or do not accept being a chattel breeder for Allah. Throughout the Hussein Obama occupied two-term terror regime millions of Muslims have set up shop and training centers for jihadi bases in America and Harris and others believe a strong component of Americans voting Trump over the Gulf Muslim funded Hillary Clinton clique has to do with having a tough leader willing to end these outrages and possible dangers from right-wing religious theocrats from the Middle East who have no tolerance for anyone or anything not willing to submit to their religious desires Any society and country such as Pakistan where honor killing is an accepted tradition and thousands of women are killed under this guise is a people that should not ever be permitted into this country but under Barack Obama you had so many because he honors their culture and the US aid dollars returning to the democratic party establishment. there are many reasons that Donald trump became elected president and one of them had to do with the growth and caner of Muslims permitted to reside into North America
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